The more Hillary refused to plead guilty in the case where evidence was conclusive, the less likely she would receive mercy in court.

Her stubbornness was, on the contrary, a positive for Tanya.

The judge frowned, and the way he looked at Hillary changed.

Hillary’s legs went limp and she fell onto the chair. She hadn’t expected them to still be able to find evidence of her bribing the nurses when two years had already gone by. On top of that, they even managed to get the two nurses to testify as witnesses!

It was all over.

Everything was over!

Tanya’s attorney was still speaking. He said, “Your Honor, my client is a dancer with a sizable income, but every year, she pays most of her money to private detectives to engage them in search for her child…

“The millions of dollars she spends on the search each year are nearly the entirety of her income. If she had really abandoned the child, why would she spend that much money searching for her child?!

“Ms. Jones is still slandering my client even at this point. Not only that, but she even bribed reporters to create public pressure on my client in an attempt to reverse the lawsuit’s outcome!

“I implore the judge to take serious action against her!”

As the attorney’s loud and powerful words rang out, the courtroom fell silent.

After discussion, the judge finally announced, “Given the severity of Ms. Hillary Jones’ crime in stealing the child, and the fact that she shows no intention of pleading guilty, let alone any sign of remorse, we will submit the case to the judiciary and have the Attorney-General’s Office bring charges against her, so that they may give her the maximum sentence possible!”

Upon hearing that, Hillary slumped onto the chair.

The maximum sentence was thirty years of imprisonment!!

Thirty years!

she came out of prison thirty years


for Joel and Hillary’s fight for the custody of their daughter. Therefore, the case

would be under the judiciary’s supervision while she waited for her next court

undergone a complete

god, that’s so disgusting! She

of what happened. Not only was Jones the third wheel in their relationship, but she even stole their baby and claimed that she had given birth to her. And now, she is actually fighting them for custody

has been searching for her daughter for so many years has suddenly moved me so much.

“I also apologize!”

woman like Hillary Jones should be sentenced

she’s right in doing so. She shows no signs of repentance at all. If she isn’t sentenced to the death penalty, then she should at least be sentenced to life imprisonment! People like her should spend the rest

agree with the

little. I

with the


“+(my cell phone number)!”

“+(my ID number)!”

an instant, and

led away, Jill rushed over and hugged her. “Let go of my daughter! Let go

me! Save me! I don’t wanna go to jail!! Sob, Dad, save

eyes out, none of the police officers were

was stunned to the spot. The next moment, she grabbed Hillary’s attorney and shouted furiously, “Why didn’t you say anything just now? We

our contract that the client is not to conceal any information related to the case.

had known that the child was stolen from someone else, I would never have taken up the case! I have children, too. People like her should go to

retorted furiously, “You’re the one who should go to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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