Pete looked at his sister and then at his aunt. He hurriedly threw down the Math Olympiad book. Just as Cherry was about to go downstairs, he rushed up and stopped her. “Cherry, Aunt Brenda is here!”

Cherry: “?”

She stuck her head out and was about to look down when Pete stopped her.

Cherry asked in confusion, “Pete, is she not a good person?”

Pete was silent for a moment before shaking his head. “That’s not it. The thing is… Aunt Brenda is a little weird. You… should stay away from her.”

Cherry: “?”

Brenda, who was listening to the two children talk downstairs, was speechless.

Why did she feel like she was being despised?!

She stood up. “Pete, what happened to you? Is that how you talk about me? Come down here!”

Pete glanced at Cherry and signaled for her to go back inside. Then, he walked downstairs slowly. Just as he went downstairs, he saw Brenda looking at him with a faint smile. “Pete, come.”

Pete walked in front of her.

The next moment, Brenda stretched out her demonic claws. “Come, take off your pants. Let me see if you’ve grown up!”

Pete: “!!!”

He turned and ran. Brenda wanted to chase after him, but she was stopped by Justin. “Stop.”

Pete ran upstairs and heaved a sigh of relief. He lowered his head and looked at Justin. Indeed, Justin said, “Pete, go in and look after your sister. Tell your mommy and sister not to come down.”

“Okay, Dad!”

With that, Pete pushed open the bedroom door and went in.

Brenda was speechless.

She raised her eyebrows and looked up. Then, she sat beside Justin and held his arm. “Justin, aren’t you… protecting her too much? I can’t eat her up!”

Justin felt a little uncomfortable with her being so close to him. Even though he and Brenda were only normal siblings, he still pushed her arm down. “You can’t eat her up.”

It was good enough that Nora didn’t eat her!

what Justin was worried about

little sister might lead Nora

had had boyfriends since kindergarten. She would play with whichever handsome man she could find… Cherry, who had a face complex, might

fondness for beauty yet, the

to fundamentally

definitely, definitely, must not let Brenda and Cherry

at him and narrowed

want to see her. I want to see what kind of stunning beauty could mesmerize my brother! Anyway, I have nothing on in the morning and only have to meet someone at noon.

silent for a moment before he suddenly stood up. “Okay, do whatever you want. I’ll

Brenda: “??”

the study in the

sat downstairs and looked at the people coming

slipped out. When he passed her, Brenda was still looking at him.

in his footsteps. “…I arranged to play

Brenda smiled. “You’re going to meet

Louis: “??”

“Brenda, it’s

her chin on one hand and nodded with a smile. “I understand. You

Louis: “!!!”

“Brenda, we’re really just

her head and smiled. “I know. I’m talking about games too. Be

Louis: “…”

corners of his lips twitched. “I’m leaving

he was afraid that

in boredom. Then, she looked at her

Nora stayed

her a fruit platter. Brenda took the opportunity to ask, “Did your Miss Smith stay

strict. Every night at 10 PM, no later than 12 PM, she will definitely sleep! Yesterday, she slept with Master

Brenda: “??”

at nine. Why


looked at Louis in confusion. “Is she feeling

Perhaps she was sick?

Miss Nora is very

was quite good-looking and elegant, why was she cursing someone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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