Nora could hear the resignation in his voice, but joining a team, though? First, she would have to see whether the team was good enough or not.

Otherwise, they could forget about wasting any of her sleeping time.

She leaned against the headboard with her legs folded and said, “Speak.”

Morris slowly said, “I have almost found out why your mother fled back then.”

His one-liner made Nora focus at once. “Why?”

Morris said coldly, “The organization was conducting human trials back then. We still don’t know what exactly they were researching, but after the boxing champion Abigail’s incident, we heavily suspect it to be a drug that can enhance the human body’s agility and physical strength!”

To be honest, Nora had suspected as much for a long while now. After all, she had heard from Quentin that Victor was just a nobody gangster two years ago. How could he possibly become a peerless martial arts master in just two years’ time?

He must have taken some kind of drug that could enhance his physique.

However, once produced, such drugs would surely be mass-manufactured, right? It wasn’t like it was poison, so why were they being so mysterious about it?

Perhaps because he could hear the doubt in her voice, Morris gave her the answer. “Victor suddenly went crazy in the cell.”

Surprised, Nora asked, “You mean…”

“That’s right.” Morris nodded. “The drug has huge side effects that affect a person’s nervous system. That’s why the drug has been a prohibited substance all this time.”

Nora cast her eyes down and asked, “So, what does this have to do with my mother?”

Morris took a deep breath. “Do you know how we found out about the drug research organization’s existence?”

He wasn’t really counting on Nora to answer, so he went on and said, “We encountered a similar case many years ago. Some people took drugs that can strengthen their bodies, and then… they suddenly died. We extracted the chemical components in their blood at that time. Together with the chemical components in Victor’s body this time, we can conclude that they have indeed been researching the same drug all this time, but have never succeeded. Don’t you find it strange, though? They have been studying the drug for more than twenty years, yet the chemical composition hasn’t changed much. It was just a matter of how much of each chemical they used in the formula. Are they really so certain that the formula is correct?”

her head. “No,

also made medicines herself, so she understood the

test it out and adjust

why were they being so


slowly said, “Someone has succeeded with that

that formula before. That’s why they kept trying and persevered with the

slowly sat

life history. When she was a teenager, she went to Switzerland for pharmaceutical studies. I suspect that she had joined the organization at that

Nora was stunned.

as of now, she held disgust for the organization.

mother’s possession, causing her to flee from their murderous pursuit. The organization must think

she have ever expected her mother to

little coldly, “Are these your conjectures,

little. He replied, “It’s conjecture, but we found records of monetary transfers from unknown sources in

Nora fell silent.


mother… To be honest, she had never felt much for her all along. After all, even in the oldest memories she had, her mother was already gone. Nevertheless, she

then he was more or less already certain that her mother had indeed been part of

herself suspected that her mother must have held a

silent for

whether or not

Morris said, “It is said that there remains a pill of the successfully developed drug somewhere in the world. Since the drug can make Victor a new man in two years,

made Nora abruptly raise her

broken. Even though there was an alternative medicine legend that was said to be able to cure his

she thought of that, her voice became firm. “I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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