Chapter 494 Jon Gets Slapped In The Face


As though he was stunned, and also as though he had not heard Jon clearly, Silvester’s voice rose instantly. Jon hurriedly explained cautiously, “She’s the daughter that the Smiths have just acknowledged. Her name is Nora Smith. I heard that she is also Justin Hunt’s fiancée… Oh, she also has another important identity, Anti the internationally-known surgeon. She is greatly admired as Anti. I reckon the young woman has gotten too full of herself after being praised a little, so she thinks she’s now invincible in the medical field.”

Jon glanced at Silvester cautiously at this point.

He was actually a little unsure about this.

Given how Yvonne had been able to buy the Zabe Corporation’s Calming Pill from Silvester, this showed that Silvester was actually in contact with the Smiths.

In particular, when Nora came to borrow the books just now, she had actually succeeded in doing so…

This showed that Silvester was also unwilling to offend the Smiths and the Hunts, right?

With that in mind, he coughed and said, “Mr. Zabe, after giving it some thought… Given her status, it isn’t a good idea to offend herespecially when she has the Smiths and the Hunts backing her up-but considering the positions we hold in the circle, there are certain things that we must do! We cannot chicken out and disregard our beliefs just because of her status. So, I was wondering, how about you lead the way and we go over to teach her a lesson?”

Silvester frowned and looked at him with a complicated look on his face. “Did you just say that Nora Smith said that alternative medicine is inferior to modern medicine?”


Jon nodded hurriedly. “Yes, she said so in front of all the nurses in the hospital. Elaine Miller heard it. She’s the one who told us the story because she says that she couldn’t stand it anymore. All the other nurses have been bribed by the Hunts and the Smiths, so none of them dare to make any mention of this.”

That was what Elaine had said.

As for whether or not they had really bribed the nurses, Jon didn’t care at all!

He just wanted to ruin Nora!

Unexpectedly, when he said that, Silvester suddenly scoffed and said, “That’s impossible.”

Jon was taken aback. “Why wouldn’t it be possible, Mr. Zabe? News of what she did has already spread. Despite the terrible impact the incident has caused, she still blatantly came here to visit you. Surely she wasn’t here to give you a warning, was she?”

He had deliberately chosen the word “warning”. Given Silvester’s status, doing something like that would be too much.

at all. Instead, he looked straight at Jon and said, “Jon, I’m already over ninety years old.

Jon: “…”

lazy disciple of mine doesn’t like to bother with such things. Although I don’t like you, you are scheming enough and you also have the means. In addition, your attitude toward alternative medicine is still considered somewhat pure… But I didn’t expect that

straight at the door and said,

determined tone made Jon stunned and frozen in


everyone in the world is full of hostility towards alternative medicine and despises alternative medicine, there’s no

her? Why? Did the Smiths or the Hunts give you some kind of benefit? Dr. Zabe! What

immediately summoned the butler over and

driven out of

slammed shut, Jon was still standing there,

sure that Nora

was Anti. As an internationally renowned surgeon, wasn’t it logical and reasonable that she would look

must have given him enough money

To think

medicine practitioners of the States… really doomed

She had already returned home. With the stack of books in her arms, she went upstairs and

began to read and

wanted to cure

away the book in front of her that she finally


she instead saw Cherry and Pete seated on the sofa beside her and looking at her

person who had taken her

Nora’s frown instantly deepened.

as this expression of hers formed, Cherry immediately whispered to Pete, “I think Daddy

is he finished?”

continued to whisper, “Mommy’s about to explode! She will definitely

Pete: “…”

Nora: “…”

touched her head awkwardly. Then, she looked at Justin… only to see that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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