Chapter 495 Name Your Price, Q

Nora had too many questions she wanted to ask the little psycho, including how she became pregnant, why she would die if she didn’t give birth, and even about her mother…

Also, she had already discovered a long time ago that the little psycho actually kept his word. At least, he hadn’t deceived her the other time.

She narrowed her eyes and replied: ‘Deal.’

After sending the message, she happily accessed the Hacker Alliance’s website. Lying quietly in Q’s private message inbox was an email.

This was the only place that outsiders could send messages to when they wanted to hire hackers.

Because this was the Hacker Alliance, there was no need to worry about being attacked by other hackers. After all, the world’s most powerful hackers were all there, no one would dare to challenge them.

At the other end of the dining table.

Cherry and Pete sat respectively on either side of Justin. All three of them sat quietly as they watched Nora eat.

However, Nora didn’t even spare them a glance.


Cherry heaved a silent sigh. “Who is Mommy texting? She actually smiled! Surely Mommy hasn’t found herself other handsome guys out there, right?” When Pete heard this, he gave Justin a pitying glance. Justin’s expression darkened and he said in a low voice, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Cherry rested her chin on her chubby little hands and pouted. “I’m not talking nonsense, Daddy. I know Mommy too well. Sigh, when we were abroad, I told Mommy to find me a Daddy, but she said that she wasn’t interested in foreigners. Now that we’re back in the States, as expected, she must have become all starry-eyed after seeing handsome guys!”

Justin: “…”

Pete asked hesitantly, “But what if Mommy is making a business deal with someone?”

Cherry rolled her eyes. “Pete, when have you ever seen Mommy making money?”

Pete: “?”

In spite of that, she doesn’t bother doing anything every day. If not for my grandaunt overseas, I would

only has 75 million

of money he had at his disposal when he played around with investments whenever he was

said, “… Mommy really

said, “If Mommy really wants to make money, she can make a lot right away, but

hard empathetically. “I will make lots of money and support Mommy in

weak voice suddenly came from the door. “Say, um, do the two of you mind supporting

unison to see Louis standing there. He was looking at

and started talking

have to be separated in the future. Who are you going to

hesitation whatsoever, Pete gave Justin a disdainful look

Justin: “???”

was about to reprimand the two of them for talking nonsense, but when Pete popped the question, he immediately turned

wouldn’t also abandon him and pick her mother over

daughter’s heart, Justin had been working hard during this period of time to bond

and said, “I can’t go with Mommy. If I

was touched at

his precious and understanding little baby! She was simply so sensible! However, the next moment, Cherry said, “How about this? I’ll get Daddy to build a house for me and put lots of handsome young men inside. I just need one to cook for me, one to clean the house, one to sleep with me, and four more to play games with me! This way, I won’t disturb Mommy and Daddy’s new lives, and all of you can also come and visit when you miss me! Isn’t

Justin: “?”



little wrong with his precious little baby? It was to the extent

lips spasmed and he repeated silently in his heart:

astray. You mustn’t think of handsome young men all the time!” Cherry tilted her head. “Then shall I think

Pete: “??”

Pete was secretly a little

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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