Chapter 498 Exposing Her Own Identity!

Nora followed the kidnappers all the way to an inconspicuous little house.

Surrounded by weeds, the place looked like a small community due to being demolished, except that the new houses hadn’t yet been built. Small houses of varying heights filled the place, making it very suitable for people who might have to flee or move about.

Therefore, Nora didn’t rush in immediately when she arrived.

Firstly, she was concerned that there might be an ambush inside.

Secondly, she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to keep so many of them under control, which might allow Trueman to escape. Thus, she waited for a couple of minutes until Morris and Brenda arrived with the men from the special department. Only then did they rush in together.

Morris was dressed in a black windbreaker as usual, and he looked smart and dashing.

What surprised Nora was that Brenda was also wearing a black windbreaker, making her fair skin and black clothes form a sharp contrast. Coupled with the woman’s good looks, she looked exceptionally like eye candy.

Seemingly having sensed Nora’s gaze, Brenda raised her eyebrows and blew her a kiss in a dashing manner. She smiled and said, “Don’t be scared, Nora. Just stay behind me when we rush in later. I will protect you!”

“…Oh, okay,” Nora said.


Morris gestured behind him, upon which someone immediately came forward. One of the men pushed open the door gently and threw a smoke bomb into the room. Then, Morris kicked the door open with a loud bam and rushed in like the wind!

Brenda wanted to protect her sister-in-law, but when she turned her head, she instead saw Nora following closely after Morris and rushing into the room.

She got a huge shock at once. When she hurriedly followed them in, she found that Morris had already subdued one of the bodyguards while another bodyguard was attacking Nora!

Ever since her big fight with Abigail the other time, it had been very long since Nora last had a good workout. She was about to punch the man when something suddenly flashed across her vision. Brenda appeared in front of her and swiftly took down the big muscular man in front of her.

man. They didn’t even need anyone else to do anything. She

the place to prevent anyone from escaping. Nora quickly walked

dumbfounded. “Who are

“It’s me.”

Louis’s head as she spoke. Upon regaining his sight, Louis’s eyes immediately reddened and tears

pressed her lips together at the sight.

thought that he would text her and demand an explanation.

when Louis went out, she suddenly realized that Trueman might have misunderstood

but before she could catch up to him, he

been able to talk to him about

bottom of it all, she

comfort him when Louis asked, “Why couldn’t you have come

he would have received the 15 million

Nora: “??”

he turned to where Trueman had been speaking

his gaze and looked over, she spotted a monitor and a surveillance camera. They had likely been in the midst of a video call just now. The other party’s screen had blacked out by now, so Nora couldn’t see the other

hesitated for a moment and

little shrill. “Heh! So it really is

also sneered, “Of course, I didn’t think that I would catch you all at once, either. But getting rid of

words angered Trueman.

she heard his response that she truly became sure that

she heard Trueman laugh. “However, you only managed to capture four of my bodyguards despite using Q as bait, whereas I have reached a consensus with Q during this period of time!” Nora:

she subconsciously asked,

him out with 75 million dollars to provide me service. Also,

Nora: “??!”

She was stunned. “What?”

us! I’ve already transferred a 15 million dollar deposit to his bank account. Q,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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