Chapter 499 Mr. Gray, You Know Trueman Yale!

“Thank you for the 15 million dollars! I’ll just take it as compensation for our little Louis!”

As soon as Nora said that, on the other end of the call, Trueman seemed to realize something. He immediately exclaimed, “Is he really not Q?”

Nora did not answer him.

Nevertheless, it seemed like Trueman had understood. He immediately cursed in a low voice, “Shit! You—”.

But before he could finish, the call was cut off!

Nora frowned.

Wasn’t Trueman the little master? Who would dare to disconnect his call when he was still speaking?

In the midst of her hesitation, Louis stood and looked at Nora cautiously. Then, he blinked and asked, “Um, Nora, those 15 million dollars… are you really giving it to me as compensation to help me get over the shock?”

This was the biggest amount of money that Louis, whose monthly living expenses had been withheld from him by Joel ever since he was a child, had ever seen in his life. He had seen a million dollars at Chester’s house before, but this was the first time he was seeing funds that amounted to more than ten million dollars!


He had counted on his cell phone just nowthere were several zeros between the sum and his savings!

Little Louis would like to express just how dumbfounded he was at suddenly becoming a millionaire like that!

Upon hearing what he said, Nora was puzzled. “You don’t want it?”

“No! No! I want it very much!” Louis immediately stuffed the bank card into his pocket and covered his pocket with both hands. The way he looked was as if he would fight to the death anyone who dared to take the bank card from him!

The corners of Nora’s lips spasmed. She simply couldn’t bear to watch him anymore.

Brenda couldn’t help but whisper to Nora, “Nora, are the Smiths about to go bankrupt?”

at how desperate they had

dollars, yet he was close to regarding it

Nora: “…”

found Louis a


special department and the mysterious organization. Although he had tricked the other party into giving it to him through his own abilities, should Morris request that he submit

he hadn’t heard them at all. He turned to the bodyguards on the floor and said, “Tell me, where is

wasn’t going to bother doing

matter about Louis any further. Instead,

the other party hadn’t become anxious. This showed that Trueman was very sure that the four of them

not much use even

take Louis

eyes were constantly fixed on his pocket. His fingers were also still pressed against it. He was behaving even more neurotically than when he had been kidnapped. “Nora, do you think anyone will steal

Nora: “…”

rob me? Or… Will the bank confiscate the money when they see that I received 15

her temples and continued to drive her jeep. “Since you are so worried, why don’t I

sit up straight. “That won’t be

afraid of losing

“No, not anymore!”


Louis began to think.

had only just happened, so Louis remembered everything. He repeated his conversation with

where they were talking about whether Trueman was kidnapping Louis for money or for his looks, Nora’s lip corners couldn’t

this point, she suddenly heard Louis mention that someone had coughed in the middle of the conversation and that he had reminded the

at Louis.

At the hotel.

right?!” Caleb coughed twice before he sighed and replied, “Perhaps it really is her.” “That’s impossible!” Trueman yelled shrilly, “A normal person can be top-notch in a certain industry, but it is impossible

after he said that, he paused and asked

violently. “Don’t forget that her mother is Yvette Anderson! Also, when she fled the organization back then, she had taken the organization’s most

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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