Chapter 506 Modern Medicine And Alternative Medicine Competition!

Worry crept into Simon’s voice again. “Nora, now that he has gotten involved, you’re going to be in a pickle.”

Like what had happened previously, if the matter had just been about something she had supposedly said, Simon could still suppress the matter and explain to everyone that she hadn’t said anything like that.

However, Blaine had popped up out of nowhere and issued a challenge to the alternative medicine circle. On top of that, he had done that in her name and even claimed that he was fronting the campaign for her.

Winning or losing was no longer importantbecause Blaine’s actions had successfully caused a confrontation between alternative and modern medicine practitioners!

Should Nora show up with Blaine, it would cement what she had supposedly said previously. Even if she won the competition, she would lose the support of the alternative medicine community and would struggle in the States in the future.

Yet, if she stepped forward and apologized to the alternative medicine community, people would say that she had chickened out. Angering the modern medicine community would also make her life a struggle in the country. This wasn’t to say that she wouldn’t be able to use her identity as Anti to make money anymore, though. However, she would no longer be respected by people in the medical profession both domestically and internationally like how she currently was!

Moreover, as the Smiths’ young lady and the future matriarch of the Hunts, she would also end up making the Smiths and the Hunts look somewhat flighty and frivolous.

In short, there were a lot of disadvantages!

Nora figured out all this in an instant. She curled her lips into a smile. When Simon was about to nag at her some more, she suddenly said, “Don’t worry, Uncle Simon, I know what I’m doing.”


Simon’s anxious words immediately became stuck in his throat.

now wholeheartedly trusted and believed in his niece. It was as if he was sure that she could resolve the problems just because she had said that she knew what

a few seconds before he finally said,

of acknowledgment. When she wanted to hang up, Simon said, “By the way, when will you be free to come home for a visit? Your aunt and both your cousins miss

faintly in the

Nora say she will be back? I will make her an entire table of delicious food!” Nora then asked,

borrowed the lab to make the Zabe Corporation’s Calming Pills, and she won a bet with some of the old stick-in-the-muds there, they have completely conceded defeat

able to find what one liked and

Sheril lead a simple life, it was a fulfilling and happy one. Nora thought of Sheril’s optimism and cheerfulness when she was living with the Andersons, as well as the conflicting contrast between her cute and docile

her when you have time, and get

was dumbfounded. She didn’t expect that a woman as elegant as her aunt would actually force her daughter to

She coughed. “Okay.”

up the phone again. After a moment’s thought,

two of them had both been part of a patient’s consultation years ago, so they had exchanged contact information with

been unhappy with the alternative medicine circle. They are no different from a bunch of frauds! Imbalance of energies in one’s body? What nonsense! We modern doctors are not gonna recognize such talk! It’s just a pity that your words the last time didn’t have enough of an impact, so I have given you a hand. With that, the two of us will be able to

Nora: “?”

he said, she cast her eyes down. “Who says that alternative medicine is

for a moment before he asked, “What? Do you actually think alternative medicine is better than

her gaze. “You don’t have to deliberately misinterpret my words. Neither did I say anything like that. I just find your act of provoking the alternative medicine circle…

all of this for you! Never mind that you’re not thanking me for it, but you’re actually saying that… I get it now. Surely you’re not chickening out now that you’re back in the States, are

modern medicine doctors and made an appointment with people of the alternative medicine circle for a competition two days later. If you don’t show up, I’m afraid the modern medicine doctors who put you on a pedestal will be very disappointed in you! I will send you the address. You are free to decide whether

that, he hung up. Then,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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