Chapter 507 Black Cat?

After they hung up the call, a short while later, Sheril suddenly sent her an article. It was an article on a website for the domestic alternative medicine community to communicate and exchange ideas with one another. The article had provided an objective evaluation of the upcoming showdown between alternative medicine and modern medicine.

Blaine’s medical skills had been improving by leaps and bounds recently overseas. He had just performed a very risky operation two days ago where the operation process was recorded. His hands were so steady that they were comparable to Anti’s. In fact, some people overseas were already starting to compare him with Anti and discussing who the top surgeon really was.

Needless to say, Anti was still publicly recognized as the number one-after all, Blaine had only just caught up.

However, this was enough to make the alternative medicine practitioners in the country wary. Blaine was definitely not someone who looked impressive but lacked real worth. He did indeed have a couple of tricks up his sleeve!

The article also introduced and talked about some of the diseases he had treated…

After Nora closed the page, she saw a message from Sheril: ‘Nora, do you think the alternative medicine circle can beat him?’

A competition of medical skills where physicians of both circles treated patients on-site was, in itself, already disadvantageous for alternative medicine practitioners!

Modern medicine practitioners could make use of all kinds of equipment, but alternative medicine practitioners could only rely on their own judgment. To make matters worse, the effects of their medical treatment were slow to appear, so people wouldn’t be able to immediately see the effects.

Blaine was no doubt a little hard to deal with. On top of that, he had even called upon several leaders of the modern medicine circle…

Nora replied: ‘Hard to say.’

Sheril: “… You don’t have to be so honest!”

Nora smiled.

She put down her cell phone. The housekeeper at the door had told her that her cousin from California was here, so she left her room. As soon as she did, she heard Louis’s voice downstairs. “Ms. Black! Long time no see!”

Lisa’s timid voice rang out. “W-why are you at home again?!”

Louis replied, “I was about to go out and play games with Chester, but then I saw you! Come on, I’ll play host!”

said, “No, it’s fine. I have something to talk to my cousin about. You can

work. As a host,

Lisa: “

any further. She went downstairs, looked at Lisa, and asked, “Why

I heard that you are going to challenge the alternative medicine

lip corners spasmed. “Do you already know all about

school. We have alternative medicine majors in the university. All the alternative

Nora: “…”

to spread so quickly,

externally hired professor in the school. When I was coming over, the dean of neurosurgery told me to tell you not to come to the school for now.” Nora

glanced at her cautiously. “Nora, how are you

shoulder. “Don’t worry about

breathed a

puzzled. “What are you guys talking about? Nora,

eyebrows. She asked, “Which do you think is more impressive, modern medicine or alternative

That would depend on how much money

“But medical fees will differ according to

what I mean is, it depends on how much the alternative and modern medicine circle would

Lisa found themselves speechless for

hand over his pocket and asked, “Nora, is

Nora: “…”

so much time had already

She nodded.

little cousin, when are you leaving? After I see you off, I’ll go to the bank to apply for a few

asked curiously, “What are you applying for a few cards

do you? You can’t put all your eggs in one basket! I’m going to apply for a few dozen cards and deposit a bit of money

I haven’t gotten quite used to suddenly becoming a rich man yet! I’ve made up my mind-I’m going to give the cats and dogs a feast to celebrate tonight! They can have the most expensive imported canned food! Also, I’m going to take them to the pet shop for baths, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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