Chapter 508 Getting The Marriage Certificate!

Her words took Karl by surprise. “What do you mean by that, Nora?”

Nora raised her eyebrows. She was about to speak when Ian said, “It means that the Smiths have someone who is even more impressive than Black Cat! Don’t think that you can keep going on and on about Black Cat just because you have Black Cat in your organization. We’re talking about the children’s marriage now, yet you keep going on and on about Black Cat. Can you get any more annoying?!” His words made Karl choke at once, but then he suddenly reacted and said, “This isn’t right, Smith. I am the one marrying my daughter to your nephew. You should be the one begging me instead! Why should I be the one coming over and talking to you?”

Ian, however, scoffed, “If you don’t want to talk to me about it, then I will go and talk to Tanya.”

As soon as he said that, Karl hurriedly said, “No, no, talk to me!”

Tanya and Karl had only just acknowledged each other, and their relationship was not very good. Karl couldn’t adopt the attitude of a father-in-law in the Smiths at all!

However, Karl would never allow his daughter to marry into the Smiths so quietly, either!

While he was thinking about it, Tanya and Joel entered the room walking hand-in-hand.

Both of them looked like they were in love with each other, and Tanya’s eyes looked like they were smiling

Joel’s smile had also become bigger and even more attractive than in the past. At the sight, Nora asked, “Did something good happen to make the two of you smile like that?”


Tanya glanced at Joel and blushed a little, though she didn’t say anything.

Joel walked up to Ian and Karl. He smiled and said, “Uncle Ian, Dad, Nora, all of you are here. It just so happens that I have good news for


All three of them were taken aback.

Karl was the first to react. “What did you just call me?”




astounding—or at least, Nora was dumbfounded. She

also stunned. “You… Aren’t the two of you being a little hasty about this?” Tanya shook her head. “We’ve already let each other slip by us for


of them, so happy that even his eyes had turned a little red. He patted Joel’s hand and

bunch of them were all moved, Karl said with dissatisfaction, “The

hold a wedding because I felt that it was pointless when we already have a child… but Joel didn’t agree to it. So, we’ve decided to invite our friends

this, Karl lowered his head. There was a faint layer of mist in his

Ian. I have some details of the wedding that I want to discuss

Ian, and Karl entered the

have something

At night.

the Hunts’

Hunt walked over with the help of the housekeeper. She sighed and said, “It’s only been a day that he didn’t see her, yet he’s already unable to hold himself

fonder. Besides, with the news of the Smiths looking for

didn’t hear anything about them looking for a

what she’s made of anymore! If someone like her becomes the

arm, she asked, “She challenged the alternative medicine

within is amazing. Do you remember the Zabe Corporation’s Calming Pill? Wasn’t it much more effective than modern medicine? From where exactly did a little surgeon like her find

trouble to the family?” Mrs. Hunt sneered, “It won’t go as far as that, but I do think this is something that’ll do her good! After all, once the competition is over, both the alternative and modern medicine circles will detest and despise her! With that, the Smiths will finally realize the position she’s in. It will be much easier for the Hunts to propose marriage after that!” The housekeeper was surprised. “You’re still intending to let her

“That’s true…”

Mrs. Hunt said, “Get ready. We will go to the Smiths to propose marriage two

At the Smiths.

certificate?” Justin’s surprised voice traveled

and dad can be together forever now! Daddy, will you and Mommy get a

she subconsciously looked at her cell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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