Chapter 591 Captain Johnson’s Defeat!

Captain Johnson hated Morris to the core.

He was ashamed to face Old Terry. After all, he was the one who had shot him.

Karl had given him a lot of money over the years.

Therefore, when he saw that Karl was captured by the special department, Johnson was afraid that he would expose his identity and lead the special department to investigate the fund.

Captain Johnson helped Karl escape because he wanted him to leave New York and be of use to him in the future.

Unfortunately, Karl had actually stayed for his daughter’s wedding.

In order to prevent any accidents, Captain Johnson had gotten the sniper to shoot him at the wedding. He wanted to kill him so that there would be no risk.

Unfortunately, Nora had stirred things up again. After that, she had arrested Karl. Morris had watched Karl closely and made him unable to do anything

Karl had forced him to look for Old Terry. Helpless, he could only call Old Terry over.

However, no matter how much he calculated, he had missed Nora and Morris’s persistence!

If Morris was not so persistent, he could have convicted Karl after Old Terry died or gotten someone to kill him. The matter could still be controlled.

Unfortunately, Morris was too protective of Karl!

And Nora, this little b*tch, actually developed some gene serum and saved Old Terry, who should have died!

all their fault, all their

already been exposed. There was nothing else to say. He shouted angrily, “And you, Nora. I asked you to come to the special department to catch the mysterious organization, not to develop the gene serum. But what have you

If gene serum can treat illnesses and save lives, and can even bring people back to life, then what is the meaning of the years of work we have done targeting the mysterious organization?! This research they’ve done is beneficial to humans!” “Your actions make all our actions seem so ridiculous! Is the birth of this drug

drug developed by the mysterious organization

who made the special department dispensable!” If the drugs in the mysterious organization

hearts of many members of the special

so many years and sacrificed so many companions. What was the reason? Was the justice they insisted on

everyone was confused, they suddenly heard a scoff. “Old Johnson, in

narrowed his eyes. “Yes, I confess. I attempted murder and choose to surrender. My sentence


as Captain Johnson finished speaking, he saw Old Terry suddenly laugh softly. That laughter was clear and was no longer as

Captain Johnson was stunned.

looked at Old

at the chin, tearing off a

time, no

in attitude caught everyone off

off the fake skin on her face, Brenda stood up and took off the wig. Her beautiful hair fell down and she stood there beautifully in her hospital gown. “Captain Johnson, I’m sorry to inform you that Old Terry is really dead. You didn’t commit attempted murder. You have committed a real

his eyes. He took a step back and looked at Brenda before looking at Morris and Nora

This group of people had no evidence of him killing anyone. Even the transfer record was

killed Old Terry, he had

to kill Old Terry. Unless Old Terry said it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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