Chapter 592 About the Child?

Nora was very focused when she worked. When she was overseas, she would often work for a few days and nights in a row. After that, she would sleep for a very long time. Therefore, she had specially made a vitamin solution to prevent hypoglycemia in her sleep.

Lily only needed to inject this solution into her body. She did not need to wake up herself. She could sleep for 72 hours, or even more.

Captain Johnson was stunned. “How… how is this possible?” Nora raised her eyebrows. Because she had not slept enough, her temper was a little grumpy as she spoke impatiently in a hoarse voice, “The inspection unit has already collected the needles and syringes I used on Old Terry that day. They have checked the composition inside and confirmed that it is indeed a vitamin solution. Why do you think Captain Ford and I were let out?”

They had been acquitted!

Furthermore, the Inspection unit had cooperated with them and put on a show!

As for the medicine used on Quentin…

The gene serum Nora had pretended to inject was all a cover to fool Janson into convincing Captain Johnson.

The drug actually used for Quentin’s treatment was administered later on!

She did not sleep for three days and three nights to synthesize an excellent drug for the recovery of his bones using the medical skills given by her master, Dr. Zabe. This medicine was the Bone Adhesion Balm.

Quentin was finally able to stand up because of that drug. The drug would not take effect that fast, but to help her convince Captain Johnson, Quentin had stood up forcefully and walked back and forth.

Now, he was lying on the bed again. He had been injured for a hundred days, not to mention that his bones had been rejoined. He had to recuperate well later on.

As for Old Terry…

him and he had died on the very same day. However, how and when to tell the others about his death was all planned by Nora. At this point, the truth was revealed. Captain Johnson was arrested and taken away by the Inspection unit. What awaited him next was

started crying. Mark

feeling mixed emotions, Ruth suddenly

and her charming face was filled with fear. She said, “Officers, I want to report

said this, the people from

Johnson had asked me to develop a plan to interrogate Karl. I found it very strange at the time, so I kept delaying the plans. Now,

from the Inspection unit and the surrounding special departments all looked at

I checked his records and realized that Captain Johnson had posted a message on a foreign underworld forum. He said that Nora had a gene serum, he was trying to attract overseas organizations to fight for it. I think the

made the expressions

The officer from the Inspection unit said, “Comrade Ruth, the intelligence you have provided is very important. We will thoroughly investigate the matter! If

department, I knew this place was my home when I

only comfort her. “It’s okay. This has nothing to do with you.” Ruth sighed. “I

okay. The special department welcomes all talented people! Besides, you’ve done

heaved a

was the reason she had rushed

he left, she was afraid that the department

and said, “Captain Ford, Black Cat and I have already sorted out the interrogation

Morris stared at Ruth.

principles when he did things. Although Ruth had always been against Nora in the past, she had never done anything against

had just been arrested. If he turned around and dealt with Ruth, he would leave

the thought of this, Morris said, “Work hard. Don’t spend so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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