Chapter 447 Lily did not expect to see the young man she had been trying so hard to find in her family‘s backyard. He looked like he did not change much except that there were no more sparkles in his eyes. There was a gloomy atmosphere surrounding him instead. 

“Everyone who‘s here today has the same purpose,” Benedict stated as he raised his head nonchalantly and glanced toward the banquet hall. 

“Then why aren‘t you inside?” Lily asked. 

“You‘re not either.” Benedict looked at Lily. 

Although Benedict looked less happy than his previous self, he was still the same mouthy kid. 

“You still owe me an explanation. Why did you quit all of a sudden? You were the one who promised that you‘d handle the job I gave you properly, but then you just disappeared without even a text or a phone call,” Lily could finally voice out her dissatisfaction after keeping it inside for such a long time. 

what she said, his eyes became further clouded. He did not try to explain and just mumbled, “I had

jacket‘s pockets. He looked outstanding

Chapter 4 

They agreed that Lily could take home the special wood he had as a distinctive fragrance from the wood attracted her. She took a small sample back home and wanted to return for

have it,”

footsteps came from behind, and a voice

to Benedict again, he noticed another person standing beside Benedict, so he stopped and approached them instead. He turned to look at the boy, whose back was still facing him,

for a man his age, very well–groomed, even though there were signs of gaining weight. Derrick had a pair of sharp

saw Lily standing there, he made no moves to acknowledge

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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