Chapter 448 

Derrick‘s eyes were like laser beams scanning her from head to toe coldly. His eyes contained no warmth as if to express displeasure at her behavior. The moment he looked at her, Lily felt a shiver down her spine, but then she realized she did not need to fear him as he was just a nobody to her. After adjusting her perspective, she felt better and stood erect, holding his gaze firmly. 

Derrick was surprised that this young woman had such courage in her and was not intimidated by his stare. He frowned and was about to open his mouth to speak when someone interrupted them. 

“Mr. Tanner,” Alexander, who was watching the whole ordeal from not too far away, decided to step in. He came over and stopped to stand next to Lily. Derrick was surprised to see Alexander, “Alexander Russell?” “I didn‘t see you inside, so I assumed you had sent someone else to attend on your behalf. I didn‘t expect to see you here,” Alexander spoke eloquently without offending anyone. 

“I was running late due to the heavy snow,” Derrick nodded his head at Alexander and explained. His attitude toward Alexander was much more civil than the rude behavior he showed Lily. 

politely and turned his gaze toward the young man standing next

is my  son, Benedict. Benedict, this is La Beaute

was so surprised when she heard their exchange. Was Benedict from the Tanner family? As in the most prominent family from Ruby city? Judging from how he spoke to Alexander and that he was here for her grandfather‘s

astonishing fact. Never did Lily guess that this teenage boy who loved woodcarving, who was a bit bad tempered yet still

and mouthed quietly, “Mr. Russell.”

Alexander did not care about what Benedict called him,

don‘t we go in,” Derrick

before he could grab him, Benedict moved out of his way, not wanting to be touched. This made Derrick‘s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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