Chapter 483 

Although the fire had attracted a lot of attention, not everybody’s focus was on it. 

Brandon regretted it very much. Why did he have to be so greedy and insist on the durian layered cake and milk tea? Even if he managed to cough it all out now, it would be too late. 

Whether at the company or home, Brittany was constantly on his back, pushing him for an answer. 

At first, he wanted to hide for a day or two and did not want to tell her the truth, worried that his sister would be unable to take the pressure. However, when Brittany followed him into the men’s washroom, he knew he would not be able to  escape. 

“T–This is the male washroom. I think you are in the wrong p–place,” Brandon said with a smile as he pointed to the male toilet sign. 

Brittany snorted. “Wrong place? If you, Brandon, my brother, are in the right place, then I am in the right place too.” 

he was about to lecture Brittany, as he

toward the sink. 

What kind of brother are you? You promised me,

from me.” Brittany was furious.

Brandon had met with Alexander, so she sought Brandon daily. However, Brandon was either at the office, home, or bar. By the time Brittany arrived at the bar, Brandon was gone. It was evident that he was avoiding her.

more he hid from her, the more unhappy Brittany  became.

hide from you? I’m not hiding.” Brandon pretended. He shook his hand,

she quickly grabbed his tie and pulled him close. “Are you trying

was trying to get a tissue to wipe

I can do it myself,” Brittany said as she turned around, taking significant steps toward Brandon’s office. Except she did not release his tie. She dragged him to his office like that.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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