Chapter 484 She followed him in, and Brandon slammed the door with a loud bang. Two seconds later, he opened the door again and roared at the stunned employees outside, “Don‘t you need to work? If you‘re so free, why not work overtime tonight?!” 

The employees were speechless. 

Nobody dared to look anymore. They lowered their heads and got to work, or at least pretended to work. 


The office door was slammed shut again. The people outside shrank their necks. The president was in a bad mood, so they had better not step on his foot. 

Brandon was indeed in a bad mood. His image was gone, getting dragged around like a dog. Furthermore, it was his sister, so he couldn‘t scold or hit her. He was extremely upset. 

Since things had gotten to that point, there was no point hiding anymore. Brandon told Brittany in plain words, Yes, I went to meet with Alexander.” 

was straightforward in saying,” Though

decided on using


hands into tight fists. She had

did not doubt that if Ms. Christian was standing there at that moment, Brittany would tear her to pieces. “Don‘t say that. They‘re in love,” he subconsciously defended Lily. Lily carried herself well and looked elegant. To call her a seductress wasn‘t fair. ‘That was what she


She’s clearly a seductress! She trapped my man while I was distracted!” Brittany said. “Tell me, what‘s her name? What does she look like? Where does she come from? What does she do? When did she seduce Alexander?” Brandon took a

to yourself. Do you believe the things coming out of your mouth? What do you mean by trapping your man? When did Alexander become yours? He had always thought of you as a sister. You know that very well, but you refuse to accept it.” Brandon rarely got so honest with

her, “It‘s not important who she is. If he was interested in you, he would‘ve made a move long

until another woman entered the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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