Chapter 212 I want to file a lawsuit and ruin his reputation

When the dream woke up, Carley cried for a long time.

In this world, it has never been easy for Jenny.

When she was young, she was abandoned by her parents due to congenital heart disease.

The first love when she was young hurt her deeply. Although it was a misunderstanding, the pain she suffered was a real experience.

The people she met after growing up personally killed her, and made her go away with disappointment and regret before she died.

Jenny, I’m afraid she’s completely desperate for this world, so she doesn’t want to come back.

Carley thought, dreaming many times that Jenny was doing well there, much better than here, and it would be better if she didn’t come back.

Anyway, everyone is mortal, Jenny just left early, and when her life is over, she will also go to that world.

Like Jenny said in her dream, she would build a house over there, and when Hill and her life here were over, she would pick them up.

Then just like after leaving the orphanage in this life, living in the same house, the three of them live together loving each other.

In this way, the regrets they did not realize in this life can continue


Carley came back to her senses, looked at the suicide note Jenny left her, and replied softly: “Okay…”

and then go to that

be her sister forever and never be

emotions when

opened the door quickly, but when she

but Lea was one step ahead of her and pushed against the door, “Wait a minute, Carley, Lanice

good look at Shaun’s special assistant: “Lanice asked you to come to me, what’s the matter?”

Carley: “Lanice said she promised Jennifer to leave some money for you. This is what she gave you.

heard this, and quickly pushed back:

even use the money Jenny left

directly into the house: “The password is

time Carley picked up the card and ran out to

in his hand, feeling heavy and touched at the

have dealt with her a few times only because of Jenny, but they

who promised her, saw that she hadn’t come home for a few days, didn’t even ask

moment that Carley realized how

to help that scumbag pay off the mortgage, he worked day

and money, it would be nice to spend more time with Jenny, and I wouldn’t regret

called up the surveillance camera in

her pajamas, pulled down to her stomach to cover her swollen belly, and asked Charles coquettishly: “Compared with that

just a piece of wood lying on the

this, put her arms around Charles’ neck, and

anger while pinching her mobile phone. This couple used her money and laughed at her behind her

for them. With trembling hands, she pulled out the phone number

Carley who has

private mediation you mentioned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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