Chapter 213 You are the only relative, don’t do stupid things

Jean ate a few mouthfuls, put down his chopsticks, picked up the file bag and handed it to Carley.

“Sister Carley, here is all my real estate, and I have transferred it all to your name.”

“In addition to the non-real estate, I also transferred it to your bank account. You can check the exact amount yourself when the time comes.”

“Don’t do that night job in the future. Take care of yourself and don’t get too tired.”

The more Carley listened, the more he felt like he was saying his last words, and he felt very uneasy: “What are you going to do?”

Jean raised the corners of her lips and smiled calmly: “Don’t worry, I just promised Jenny to take good care of you, but you also know that I have to manage Smith, so I don’t have time to see you, the only All I can do is give you as much money as possible.”

After he finished speaking, a look of guilt appeared in his eyes: “I should have taken good care of you when I returned to Smith, but I lost my memory and caused you and Jenny to suffer for five years…”

He sent someone to check. Jenny not only sold herself to pay for the operation for him, but also borrowed 200,000 from Wayne International for the follow-up treatment.

In the past five years, she has been in debt and has been thrifty, and she is often reluctant to spend money.

Carley, on the other hand, sells alcohol day and night in the nightclub, and is often bullied by some vulgar customers.

child that he would be the head of the family and take care of them



are the only relate don’t

go back to the past and slap himself

Smith, Jenny and I have hands and feet, and I wouldn’t let you take care of them.”

the file bag back to Jean: “So, take these things back. I can earn them

accept it, and treat it as me

answer his words. He was hesitating how to refuse him when he got up

are you going?”

Carley and smiled at her: “I’m going to visit her in the cemetery.”

Carley felt uneasy

watched his leaving back, and blurted out: “Hill, you are

turned red, and she almost shed tears, but she didn’t look back, she just raised her hand and waved at

be telling her, don’t worry, Miss Carley, but he left without looking


saw a tall figure kneeling in front of the

pale that there was no blood, and he was so haggard

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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