Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 112

“The attendant then prompted them, saying, “There’s another wine–red color for this design. Would you like to take a look at it?”

“We’ll take a look,” both of them said at the same time. They laughed together again because of the great chemistry between them.

Even the attendant smiled together with them and noticed the tourmaline bracelets that they were both wearing that were of the same design but different color.

She then presented the wine–red shirt to them. “Madam, since you bought a pair of bracelets already, why not buy two shirts as well? They’re very suitable for your husband and your best friend’s husband too!”

“I don’t have a husband,” Eileen said with a stern expression. “I’m buying this for my dad.”

Her relationship with Victor was a secret and she didn’t want to become the topic of gossip. “That’s right! She’s buying for her dad!” Fia took out her card. “Use my card.”

“Alright, Madam. I’ll help you pack this up.”

Eileen quickly said, “I’ll pay for the shirt.”

“It’s okay. I received a new phone from you, right? Consider this payment.”

“That phone of mine isn’t worth anything. Not to mention that you bought me a bracelet already.”

The two of them argued about who was going to pay.

The attendant could only look at them enviously and suggested, “Maybe Madam can pay this time, and Ms. Reid can pay next time?”

you say that you want me to feel the happiness of spending money? Stealing

Next time if you want to buy


them perused a few more shops before going

received one payment notification after another for a while,

and he headed

are you going,

Silas in the


have a meeting later. Are you

“Delay it!”

wanted to see what she bought the

got married but

that moment, Eileen was waiting inside

“I can use this chance to do a few projects. Maybe we can get a


million dollars from his

was stunned. She had never thought about something

account is all empty. You can’t even buy something when you want to make yourself

have some money,” Fia

continued, “You don’t even have a job.

designs on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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