Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 113

When Fia stepped out of Eileen’s van, she could already see Conrad waiting at the gates.

Her heart tightened as she looked at the bag in her hand.

Could it be that he was waiting in front of the gate because she spent too much?

He didn’t like her overspending his money, so was he going to scold her?

She was going to pretend that she didn’t see him and was going to use the side door to go in with her head lowered.

“I’ll help you.” Conrad grabbed the shopping bags from her and walked into the living room.

Fia was stunned. What was the meaning of that?

She ran in and saw him putting the bags on the sofa, already beginning to unpack them.

“What are you doing?”

“Seeing what you bought.”

Fia felt humiliated and she pushed him.

“What’s the meaning of this? If you’re angry, just say it. Don’t make it so weird!”

looked at the things she bought and gave her a look

Fia was speechless.

was with that look

her now only

shirt and measured it to his own

“If you don’t like

anything about not

first time you bought something for me in

said, “While I didn’t buy you any presents for your birthday, I cooked

Conrad suddenly remembered.

his birthday, she would prepare a

to the spicy food that she

used your card to buy you a

as possible,

only my mom, my mom dotes on me. I

cook after I married you since all I do is stay

the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. They also said that men hate women who keep spending their money, and that using a man’s money to buy a gift for him

of a woman’s uselessness.”

everything they said is wrong

disappointed she was, he grabbed her

the food you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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