Chapter 283

“Ah… Conrad, how can you treat me like this?!”

There was no warmth in Conrad’s gaze at her. It was as if he was looking at a rock.

“Ms. Reid said that you pretended to be hurt while you paid someone to rape Fia. Is there anything you

want to tell me?”

Esme crawled toward Conrad on her knees and grabbed his pants as she looked at him. “No! I swear on my family’s lives that I didn’t do it! I swear, if I’ve ever hurt Fia, the gods can punish my family!”

Conrad laughed as he looked at her.

“Why didn’t I realize how shameless you are?”

He was questioning her but she made a vow using her own family? That was not the Esme Manning that

he knew.

“Esme.” He called out her name coolly. The warmth in the past no longer existed.

and you better pray that it has nothing to do with

and patted his

on the ground

had finally managed to


suffered so much pain, but it

to Fia’s accident?

left, the driver

Manning, what should

at him with vicious eyes. “What do you mean ‘what now? Even if he wants your life, you have to say that the truck lost


now is to say that it was all an accident! Then, they won’t be able to find out our deal. Let me tell you something. Even if you admit to this he won’t

to feel regretful about taking the deal. However, after everything had happened, he finally saw how terrifying Conrad could be. He had no

still needed the Mannings‘ help

Next morning.

a few doctors entered Fia’s ICU

to see what would happen next through the glass, but a

arrived. He walked over and asked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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