Chapter 284

Jason ignored Conrad and consoled Eileen. “Don’t worry. I’ll make my rounds every half an hour. As long as the same thing doesn’t happen again, she should be conscious soon.”

Eileen knew that Jason hadn’t rested at all since last night.

She was still waiting outside the ward early in the morning. He was the one who had arranged for a family lounge for her to rest in.

She didn’t want to. But he told her that she couldn’t fall before Fia woke up because there was no one else that Fia could depend on.

Jason checked Fia’s condition every hour the whole day yesterday. Even after she slept, he must have done the same thing.

“You should get some rest, Doctor Evans. Let the other doctors do this. Otherwise, you won’t be able to handle the stress too.”

Conrad glared at Jason coldly and said, “Ask Doctor Hall to help.”

Eileen didn’t like how Conrad sounded, but she agreed with him.

“True. Rotating with Doctor Hall works too. If you do this for 24 hours straight, Fia would blame herself once she wakes up.”

Jason looked down without saying anything.

had suggested that to him yesterday, but he had

his thoughts. He couldn’t pay attention to the

might adversely affect her if he stayed in the ICU ward,

what I

around and asked Conrad, “Do you know how tired Doctor Evans has

Conrad said with cold eyes. “He’s simply doing his job as

husband, you never returned after you left! Where’s your

a frown. He then looked at Eileen earnestly. “How can you

She felt that he was not asking her just for fun like he did

us outsiders can see very clearly

me, everything she did was so

said reflexively, but

rested the whole night as he had investigated the driver from Hank’s logistics company. He had found out that the

the driver had contacted and all of them said that the driver was someone honest and would never intentionally crash

his spies in Hank’s company and they all said that they didn’t see Hank get close


was flawless… And that made

Hank. He was not a

be something

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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