Chapter 69

For Vidonia, that still wasn’t enough, she had to step on him once more.

Only after completing that series of actions did Vidonia feel a huge sigh of relief.

“You heartless woman… Samson exclaimed, clutching his stomach and rubbing his foot, “You never pull any punches!”

“Am I ruthless? Samson, I think you’ve been coddled by too much tenderness. Many other women fawn over you and treat you like royalty”

Samson retorted, “Pfft, any random girl off the street would be more tender-hearted than you!”

“That’s just the way I am!”

“Can’t you change your bad temper? Save me from your torture later on…”

Vidonia, hands on hips, shot back, “Whoever loves me will accept all of me! You think every guy in the world is a scumbag like you and Elgin?”

After that, Vidonia hopped into her car and slammed the gas pedal, leaving Samson in a cloud of exhaust.

“Ptui!” Samson spat repeatedly, muttering to himself, “Vidonia, how can you be loved by others?”

After a few seconds, he added, “What kind of idiot would dare to marry you!”

At Ivory Towers

Even though it was the wee hours, the light in the study was still on.

Elgin, with his shirt collar all loose, was sitting in front of the computer.

“Mr. Ramirez, your latest test results are in, Dr. William’s face took up most of the screen, “Your oligospermia is almost cured”

“Do I need to continue with the medication?”

“No need,” William answered, “From now on, your body itself will take over the metabolism and flush out the toxins. If you want to speed up the process, you’d need to take medication for another half month.”

Elgin just nodded in response

His condition improved after he stopped have the soup given by Phedra.

And with William’s excellent medical skills, the remedy was effective.

William couldn’t help but gloat, “I seem to level up my medical expertise again.”

Elgin, massaging his temples, was about to close the video when something came to mind, “William.


“Given my current condition, if I bang with a woman…”

William read between the lines instantly and pat his chest for reassurance, “Yes, you can definitely get someone pregnant! Mr. Ramirez, go forth and revel in pleasure…”

finish, the video was abruptly cut off.

his chair and

missed the best chance


hurt her. Otherwise, it would be against his intention. It was better to keep her around

in a

bedroom to find Letitia lying on the floor on a makeshift bed, already

sure could sleep

sound of

sat up and rubbed her eyes.

bed, she instinctively commanded. “You answer it’

deep voice tinged with displeasure

from sleep that she’d been bossing Figin around

Ghapter 69

up and hurried

Remember to

Letitia was speechless.

had already been


took it anyway and placed it on the nightstand, “Elgin, It’s probably meant


drink milk since we’ve been married?”

true after thinking


get it, I’ve

his tie and said, “She’s Grandpas spy”


glanced at her,

she still around? Grandpa has already mistakenly believed I’m pregnant with your


stiffly. Letitia didn’t know what to do

“Time to


let’s satisfy him,” Elgin said. “That

mouth slightly agape, cheeks flushed.

was too sneaky!

“How… How do we do this?

her cheeks. There

asked, Letitia instinctively stepped

pregnant women, Elgin said coldly, “Don’t flatter yourself.”

Letitia was relieved.

talking about acting, he raised an eyebrow, “You brag to Shela all the time, right? You once said your acting skills could defeat hers”

better than her in every

chance to prove

didn’t know how to reply. Who the heck rehearses sleeping together as a couple? That’s crazy!

that line and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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