Chapter 70

‘Not a big deal,” she shook her head, tucking the damp blanket neatly over, “Hit the hay”

Elgin got up and glanced over, “Come to the bed.”


I said get your butt up here, Elgin yelled with a dark face.

“Nah’ Letitia desined, “It’s OK to sleep on the floor*

I’m not fond of repeating myself thrice.

With no other choice under his stem pressure, Letitia silently clambered onto the bed.

She leaned as far to the edge as possible, keeping a country mile between them, not even letting her dress hem touch him.

“Why are you sleeping on the edge like that?” His expression soured even more, “You want to fall out of bed?”

“No way, I’m. I’m slim and don’t take up much space. As Letitia spoke, she inched even further to the side.

Elgin snapped the light off with anger.

In the darkness, one lay on the far left, the other on the far right, with a gulf as wide as the Milky Way between them.

But at least Letitia didn’t sleep underneath.

That night, Letitia slept with bated breath.

So, at the crack of dawn, she bolted out of bed, not willing to endure another second of torment!

Seeing her up so early, the butler raised an eyebrow, “Madam, it’s it’s just past six.”

“Yep, I know, early to bed and early to nse tend to make me healthy, haha!”

“You got back late last night and up this early…”

Letitia touched her nose and explained, “Up for a bit of a workout”

Strolling around the garden, she stumbled upon the fact that the fence around the artificial lake in front of Ivory Towers… had grown


whenever Letitia tried to head towards the lake, the bodyguards would get jittery, fearing she might hurt

to roam the

a real drag, she wandered for ages and it wasn’t even eight yet.

to sketch

rolled in

greeted, “Master Hawley,

stepped out beaming

not exaggerated. Joy put heart into this old

him. Instead of being as vigorous as

called out proactively.

early?” Hawley inquired, “Gotta keep yourself well for the baby to thrive, you know.”

like a

daughter, Phedra cautioned under her

in annoyance, “Why you gotta harp on about that

a grandma, that’s good news,

family will continue with a first-born grandson, of course I’m thrilled, Phedra managed a smile. “But

about it? As long as what’s in

only sourly quip. “Today, I’ve seen what really

Chapter 70

family fair and square with a high-class wedding!” Phedra retorted with pride, “Not

“Oh, so your value also relied on your son? After all, only by marrying into the Ramirez family could you birth a son who

about to fight back when Hawley waved It off, “Forget it, that black sheep’s not worth mentioning.”

seemed anxious, “Hawley, our-

a happy day, no need

reluctantly clammed

watched the whole scene. It seemed that… Phedra’s son wasn’t favored by Hawley.

Group was firmly in Elgin’s

this way, Phedra and her son were just figureheads. In the most luxurious family in AquaCity, getting an allowance but no access to the real perks must be a tough pill to swallow

thought, maybe Phedra and her son had the

way, Letitia, did you finish those health supplements I sent last time? Hawley inquired with concern, “I’ll

Thanks, Grandpa.”

jealous, “Master Hawley I get you’re eager for

felt offended

irate. “From the get-go, Letitia’s been under Elgin’s


won’t query any other woman. But she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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