Chapter 137

“Here’s what I think you should do, man-cut ties with Shela for good, Samson started dishing out advice. “What women need is security, a rock-solid choice, favoritism. If you wanna have a future with Letitia, you gotta break it off clean with Shela.”

Elgin stayed silent.

“Don’t tell me… your like them both? Do you wanna keep both irons in the fire? No way, Gin. Given Shela’s looks, character, and personality.. you’d have to be blind to fall for her.”

“Got it,” Elgin finally spoke up. “You can go now.”

Samson gritted his teeth Elgin just used him and then showed him the door! What a ruthless man!

“Aren’t you leaving? Elgin asked. “Wanna stick around for a meeting, or do you have clients to see or a trip to take?”

Samson vanished in the blink of an eye.

Elgin stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and lit a cigarette, taking his time with it.

It wasn’t until ten at night that Elgin left the office

“Mr. Ramirez, your hand needs a new dressing.

“Get the car ready, head to Breezy Bay Condos, he instructed. “Have the doc come to the car for the dressing change”

Elgin rested with his eyes closed the whole ride.

The doc quietly did his thing, changing the bandage.

The car ride was enveloped in a heavy silence.

Back at the apartment

Shela sat at her vanity, eyes glued to the pricey wedding ring, greed written all over her face.

How could she bear to leave Elgin… Power, status, money, the envious stares from the women of AquaCity, it’s all she ever wanted

She was determined to make a comeback. No way Letitia could take her down!

“Ding-dong The doorbell rang.

was Mark, Shela put down the ring

when she saw it was Elgin, her surprise turned to delight, “Mr. Ramirez! Oh… what happened

room, tugged at his tie, and

his pallor and sour mood, so she kept her mouth

living here?” Elgin asked.

like everything you give me!”

now, I’ll transfer


the moon. The apartment was worth millions, a symbol of wealth and status!

Ramirez sure


said, clinging to his arm. I apologize. From

leaned in, rubbing her body

away. “Don’t

stunned, “Huh?”

ash from his cigarette, “Il fulfill all your material needs.”

neerts? What about emotional

sensed something was off, “Mr. Ramirez, what

should be compensated. Let’s settle this once and for

Samson was right-if he had no feelings for Shela, only

is love Gratitude is gratitude. For things to last with Letitia, Shela had

believe her ears, “Mr. Ramirez, you’re kicking

name it. I agree to

they were all trivial to Elgin. Shela wanted them, he’d give them.

Without her that night, Phedra would

I don’t want anything. I just want you,” Shela shook her head frantically, “Mr. Ramirez, I don’t want

had turned this way. After the fake miscarriage came to light, she knew Elgin was

Lelitia’s baby gone too, she thought she

was actually dumping

it, and I won’t trouble

“I don’t like wasting too

glanced at

better. Because he still had to visit Letitia

these actions screamed urgency and crisis.

like this… Shela’s tears came on cue, “What about Letitia? She was carrying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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