Chapter 138

He’s already starting to miss Letitia. Even though he nearly crippled his hand because of her!

Shela wouldn’t spill the beans for love nor money. “My only condition is to stay by your side, Mr. Ramirez I don’t want anything else!”

She’s no fool. Houses and cars are just items; once you take them, there’s no more.

But staying by Elgin’s side means she can keep asking for stuff forever and ever!

“Fine.” Elgin suddenly said.

Shela paused for a second, then happily exclaimed, “Mr. Ramirez, I knew you still had feelings for me!”

“You don’t want anything, then there’s nothing to have,” Elgin spoke up. “Move out first thing tomorrow morning.”


“I’m respecting your wishes, you said you wanted nothing.”

Elgin stood up and strode out. He didn’t have the time or luxury to dawdle here.

“Mr. Ramirez. Mr. Ramirez!” Shela panicked, grabbing him, “I. I really do love you…”

Elgin cut to the chase, “Do you want it or not?”

“I do” Shela gritted her teeth. “Apart from Breezy Bay Condos, I want a villa in the suburbs, a townhouse in the city center school district. And a car, plus… ten million dollars!”

Now that things had come to this, Shela had to look out for herself.

A house, a car, and ten million dollars would set her up for life!

Elgin knew she would make demands, she was just playing of the heartbroken lover before.

As soon as he said he’d take everything back and give nothing, Shela’s true colors showed.

To Elgin, giving her these things was no big deal.

“No problem. Elgin responded. Til have Ranen handle the property transfer and the ten million dollars will be transferred to your bank


with this much dough secured, she felt at ease.

love potion Letitia has brewed for you, but what I want to say is, I’ve been here waiting for you. Whenever you miss me, you can always come

already walked away.

screamed reluctance, “Mr. Ramirez, I’ll be waiting for


the elevator doors closed, Shela’s face twisted in anger.


the ultimate weapon to bring Letitia down! She wasn’t the pitiful one. She got the house, the car, and the cash The pitiful

own flesh and blood without even

was already waiting. Elgin got into the back seat. To the

“Yes, Mr. Ramirez.”

again, “What has she been up

in her room

unusually compliant Letitia…

the hospital

meal in front of her, picked up the fork and ate leisurely.

beside her, but she treated him as

yet Elgin

“Can’t you be a little considerate,

had been busy with work, dealing with Shela, and now rushing to see her…

you, who’d be over the moon to cook and clean for

the only one who dared to give Elgin the cold

conversation, were too scared to even breathe, silently bringing new

side seemed to

way.” Letitia suddenly remembered, “let’s get a

paused mid-bite, his face tuming stormy

family won’t back me up anymore. You’re free to marry Shela, Letitia said. “We can put

back what you

on. The agreement is signed, we agreed on 3 months. I want to

Elgin threw down

the one who

really want to infuriate me?”

you’ve done. After

she reached for the food with her chopsticks, Elgin flipped the table

there goes

you determined not to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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