Chapter 146

“Back then, he had nothing on me, so there was no way he could make me stay. If he wouldn’t let me walk out with my head held high. then I’d have no choice but to bolt”

Taking off with a plan and a strategy ups the odds of pulling it off successfully

Otherwise, Elgin would have nabbed her back in a heartbeat.

Letnia left the office sadly.

The wireless headsets were way too important to her… not only could she eavesdrop on Shela and her mom’s chats, but give it time, and she’d pry even juicier secrets out of Shela.

Fingers crossed that in these next few days, before she gets her hands on those wireless headsets, everything goes off without a hitch.

No more slip-ups, please

Lost in her thought, Letitia wasn’t watching where she was going and, bam, she collided with someone.

Ouch! That’s freaking hot! Letitia, are you blind? Odetta’s coffee went flying everywhere – half on her, half on Letitia’s arm.

Letitia’s hand was scorched red, but Odetta just got her clothes soaked

“What a jinx Odetta cursed, “Everything’s fine when you’re not around, but the moment you show up, you stir up trouble! And where the heck have you been all week, treating this place like it’s your own house, coming and going as you please!”

Odetta had a history of making life difficult for Letitia, and now that Letitia had bumped into her, she felt even more entitled to get up in her grill

“Sorry about that.” Letitia apologized. I wasn’t looking where I was going… I’ll get your clothes dry-cleaned.”

“Ha, if you take my clothes dry-cleaning, and what do I wear?”

“You can wear my clothes, or I can pop over to the mall and buy you something new.”

Odetta sneered, “Your clothes. huh? You mean your knock offs? Letitia, can you even afford such pricey stuff on your salary? This piece alone costs like several thousand dollars!”

Letitia glanced down at her own clothes. She had grabbed them on a whim from the walk-in closet in the master bedroom, and they were prepared by Elgin.

They are that expensive, huh? Several thousand dollars for just a jacket?

“Take it off. You should compensate me with your clothes, Odetta demanded, “and we’ll call it even

luxury brand’s limited edition, available only to VIP customers might not snag one!

with money,

Odetta’s smug face, she suddenly didn’t

you a new one at the mall, or I’ll cover the cost of a

You’re backing out

not comfortable with other

“I don’t care, I want your clothes as compensation!”

Letitias jacket! After all,

be such a pain

rights. I can call the cops

what was happening and kept

wanted to get

Letitia, j

the hospital and emotionally spent, wasn’t as strong as Odetta.

already off. Suddenly, there was

swiftly pulled back,

Letitia looked up and caught Elgin’s deep gaze

warmth as Elgin draped



Chapter 146

Ramirez Odetta, seeing him, was v

was Lelitra’s fault first!”

the company as a no nonsense

Letitia having an inappropriate relationship, Odetta thought she was done for

was Letitia

into me, spilling my coffee, staining my clothes, Odetta said, “Mr Ramirez, I

but then she heard Elgin’s deep

Odetta’s eyes widened

to stand up for Letitia like this! Even if it was her fault, he took her side!

surprised. When Elgin played favorites, there

whoever he wanted to

yes, I bumped into you and I apologized for it, and I was willing

give me your clothes!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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