Chapter 147

Lutted her teeth and said, “If I kill you I’m signing my own death warrant. Who in their night mind would make such a losing


He curled his lip with a smirk. “Teisty little wildcat, aren’t you?”

Kneeling on the ground, Odetta cautiously asked, “Mr. Ramirez, I’m off to work. This is all small fry stuff, I don’t hold a grudge against Letitia Don’t waste your precious time on this.”

“Work?” Elgin raised an eyebrow, “As of now you’re fired”


“Pack your stuff and hit the road”

Odetta felt like she’d been struck by lightning, totally blindsided by the sudden job loss! The Ramirez Group is the top company of AquaCity, a dream workplace for many offering a fat paycheck! And just like that she’s been kicked out!

Right at that moment, Ranen came back with the coffee, “Mr. Ramirez, here you go

The steaming hot coffee was billowing with heat

Elgin took it and handed it to Letitia, “Hold this”

“What for?”

Elgin said, “Pour it on her”

Letitia was stunned, and Odetta scrambled back even more, “No, no ”

“Isn’t that a bit much?” Letitia said, “That’s like kicking someone when they’re down.”

Sure, Odetta had always been a thorn in her side, making trouble for her, but Elgin had already given her the sack. That punishment was enough.

“She messed with you Elgin said, “She had it coming.”


“I’m teaching you how to really put the screws on someone” Elgin forcefully put the coffee in her hand, “Letitia, every ounce of mercy you show others is a pound of cruelty to yourself. If she ever gets a chance to mess with you again, she won’t be half as nice or hold back”

Plus, Elgin was sending a message to the Ramirez Group employees about Letitia’s status.

Anyone daring to mess with her from now on would be crossing him and end up just like Odetta

Letitia held the coffee, feeling the heat even through the cup

commanded. But

into a corner, eyes wide

pressed, “Letitia, make it

still hesitating, when suddenly Elgin’s body pressed

around her from behind, his hands over

Odetta let out a blood-curdling


time she stripped you in public. What about next time? Letitia, you gotta be swift, accurate,

you remember, at the charity auction, when Shela claimed I dirtied her dress and tried to strip me? What about

him, “Why don’t you eliminate Shela as a future

“She’s different”

Letitia nodded, “After all, she’s someone you once had

“I never had

your woman, Letitia

night, he had indeed


prick. She

as he swept a cold glance over

to their desks, not daring to

drag her out.” Elgin ordered, “and blacklist

“Yes, Mr. Ramirez.”

Elgin and Letitia’s relationship was as good as confirmed.

were definitely

the break room, whispers spread

Letitia’s got

yeah, does Mrs. Ramirez

Last time Mr. Ramirez had a call

guy like Mr. Ramirez, who wouldn’t

shh, here they come.”

into the

others quickly left as if nothing had happened.

gossiping about you,” Vidonia fumed, “What’s Elgin thinking,

it be ”

should just come out and say you’re Mrs. Ramirez What’s

don’t want it out in the open.”

doomed from the start, no need for the world to know.

staying late. As soon as the clock struck the hour,

of the office, she heard someone calling her, “Ms.

dressed like a chauffeur approached quickly,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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