Chapter 148

In her heart. Neil was a super well-mannered and polished rich kid.

Words like gloomy and poverty just shouldn’t rear their ugly heads around him

Letitia let out a sigh, “Maybe in this lifetime, my kid’s dad will never find me, and I’ll feel embarrassed to see him, to give him an explanation

“Mr. Thompson, what I also wanted to say is that my thing with Elgin isn’t as shady as you might think. I’m not his mistress”

“Then you’re his what 7”

“His puppet, his plaything,” Letitia said. “I’m just under his thumb.

After hearing this, Neil was silent for quite a while.

“Sorry about that, Letitia said softly, “for dumping all this on you”

“No. Im glad you opened up to me about your past. Letitia, you’re shrouded in mystery, with all these complex… human connections that I can’t quite figure out”

Neil’s gaze was always so pure, so gentle. He had a real soft spot for the girl in front of him.

Initially, it was a strange sense of familianty, like he was with an old friend he’d known for ages, then came curiosity, surprise, and now, a heart full of sympathy for Letitia

She must have endured a lot. But she brushed it off lightly, neither wanting to bring it up in front of him nor play the sympathy card.

“You don’t need to get me, Letitia replied, “We’re worlds apart, you and I.”

Neil was just too bright, too much of a nobleman.

Neil chuckled, “You don’t have to keep drawing a line between us. I’m not after anything else; I just genuinely treat you as a friend and want to help you out I was worried when I didn’t see you around, so I thought we could catch up over a cup of coffee after work.”


“And if you run into any trouble down the road, my offer still stands, I’ll do whatever I can to help you out.”

Letitia didn’t know what to say. Neil was a total stranger to her, they had no past connections, a fresh face, yet he kept reaching out a helping hand

Could it be was this some kind of cosmic pity, sending her someone to give her some help?

“Okay, Letitia smiled, “Mr. Thompson, I’d rather not trouble you, hoping for smooth sailing from here on out.”

“Yes, I hope

them closer, chatting away like

Thompson, can I


genuinely curious, “I know you have a girlfriend. How did you guys meet? You must love her a

sweethearts, grew up together, went to school

it official.”

“That’s nice.”

well-matched partner, a lady of equal standing and looks,

and she had also been childhood sweethearts, innocent

sun set. Neil and Letitia sat by the window, chatting and laughing, the atmosphere

setting sun bathed them

street, at the entrance

head down, one hand casually in

that Ranen started to say something but suddenly

glancing over. “Neil

in an instant, “Yes. yeah, Mr.

scoffed and strode

Chapter 146

a shadow. Turning her head, she met Elgin’s eyes.

was licked off.

Neil stood up. “Ms Sanders and I were just talking,

brow his lips curling slightly. “She wouldn’t dare cross me, not in a million

Ms Sanders is a really

circling her waist responding nonchalantly. “Of

tone were dripping with

was seething with jealousy, about to lose his mind, yet still

Elgin’s eyes never left Letitia

genuine, sweet, tender laugh She’d never smiled at him like that!

Neil, she could smile so sweetly! How could

her well,” Neil nodded. “Best wishes

was a sincere blessing to Elgin’s ears, it sounded like a taunt. As if Neil could whisk

Thompson, no need for blessings, Mr. Ramirez and I aren’t a match

the blessings. Elgin cut her off, “We’re leaving

his anger, he nearly dragged Letitia out of the

the driver had already parked and was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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