Chapter 152

Letitia, you’re just taking advantage of the fact that I love you, that I can’t bear to lay a finger on you!”

She locked eyes with him. “Elgin, you can Tay a finger on me. Go ahead and hit me! Come on, do it!”

Elgin clenched his teeth and forcefully lowered his hand.

He grabbed her chin and suddenly, he cracked a smile, a smile out of sheer frustration.

“Alright, Letitia. the less you want to have a kid, the more I’m gonna make sure you do.” Elgin’s voice was harsh as he pressed close to her lips, “You can take your pills today, but what about tomorrow? And the day after? You think you can pop those pills every single day?

“You’re gonna carry my child… it’s bound to happen one day!”

‘Don’t even think about escaping, what I want you to do, you’ll do. No going against my wishes!”

“Starting tonight, like it’s a daily chore, we’ll be trying for at least once every night!”

Letitia’s face turned pale. “You’re humiliating me.”

“You could’ve had a comfortable time trying for a baby, but you just had to tick me off with this stunt,” Elgin sneered, “Well, you asked for it!”

“Elgin, are you trying to make me hate you even more?”

He gritted his teeth, “If you already hate me, might as well hate me more!”

Letitia was on the verge of a breakdown.

She really didn’t want to get pregnant again, especially not with Elgin’s child.

“Why are you so hell-bent on me having your baby…” she asked, “Shela just said she’s willing, go to her! You treat her so well, she’s so dependent on you and listens to you, why keep forcing me?!”

“I want to force you!”

Elgin withdrew his hand and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his silhouette exuding an icy arrogance. He tossed the pills into the trash, growing more irritable by the second, and then kicked the bin over with one swift move.

“Get out,” he said, “Get out!”

If Letitia stayed any longer, he really wouldn’t be able to control his temper and might just strangle her! Elgin didn’t want to hurt her, but she was just so infuriating!

Letitia looked at the crushed box of pills.

take them, because

twice a year at most, they were extremely

not taking precautions; it was futile whatever

the CEO’s office, she heard

was smashing

“That’s it, today’s gonna

issue between Elgin and me, I didn’t mean to drag you all into this.”

men are pretty easy to appease, especially

Me, go appease him?”

company’s gonna be walking on eggshells, trying not to get

the one who did wrong, why should I be the one

I buy a little gift for Mr. Ramirez in your name? You don’t have to do anything, just let it

about to refuse, but seeing Ranen’s pleading look, she

but these people were

nodded, agreeing, then took the elevator back to the

set out to get it

a lunch

Chapter 152

It was ordered

holding the lunch box and knocking on the door, your lunch

voice came through, I

from Mrs. Ramirez

Come in.”

breathed a sigh of relief; mentioning Mrs

desk, his gaze fixed on the lunchbox, “She bought it,

Ramirez still cares about you. Maybe, you know, women tend to say one thing but mean another. She might not mean what she said, Mr. Ramirez, and

huffed. He seemed reluctant on the surface, but his body

bad,” he commented, then saw the card and casually glanced at

didn’t change much, his features visibly


single compliment from Mr. Ramirez. But today, being told it was


at the Jewelry Department, Letitia sat at her desk, lost

what her life would be like carrying Elgin’s

tie her

to uncover the truth, clear her father’s name, and then cut ties with the Ramirez family, never to cross paths

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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