Chapter 153

There was a cacophony of noise mixed with car horns honking before Mark’s voice came through, “Shela, you seem to be in high spirits. What’s the occasion?”

“Big news. Letitia’s dug her own grave!”

Letitia froze her hands and decided to eavesdrop on what Shela and Mark were chatting about before digging into the recording from that day.

She listened intently.

Mark asked, “Oh, yeah? Spill the beans!”

“Mr. Ramirez has fallen head over heels for her. After he knocked her up and she got an abortion, he wanted to try for another baby. But guess what? Letitia went out and got herself some contraceptives, refusing to get pregnant again! I caught her red-handed!”

“No way! For real?”

Shela was brimming with smugness and reassured, “No kidding! I was planning to go grovel to Mr. Ramirez today to sweet-talk him. But instead, I stumbled upon this jackpot!”

Mark chuckled, “She’s as thick as a brick, slipping all that glitz and glamour through her fingers!”

“You said it,” Shela replied, “I’ve been trying every trick in the book to get knocked up, but Mr. Ramirez won’t lay a finger on me. And her? She gets pregnant one after the other.

“Did you see Mr. Ramirez then?”

“I did, but his attentions are all set on Letitia. He was pretty steamed, so I bailed. But,” Shela huffed, “Letitia’s not gonna have the last laugh!”

Letitia listened with a poker face.

Mark took a sip of water and said, “Shela, no matter what, it’s a win-win for you. Staying close to Mr. Ramirez is still the goal. Now that Letitia has screwed up, it’s your chance to show loyalty and your willingness to have his baby.

“Yep! I’ll keep chasing after Mr. Ramirez!”

“Even if it doesn’t pan out, Mr. Ramirez promised you a house, a car, and ten million. We’ll be set for life.”

Shela retorted, “Dad, the money goes faster than you think…”

“Silly girl, if you run out, just ask Mr. Ramirez for more! Given what happened that night, you think he’d say no?”

Shela giggled, “Dad, you’re the smart one. Yeah, I really left an impression on Mr. Ramirez that night.

of teacups followed as more tea was brewed.

Mark spoke up, “Speaking of that night, it was quite

did she luck

a hunch that Mark was about to spill

she’d been dying to know might soon be

raced, and she pressed the earpiece closer, afraid to miss a single word.



viciously, “That way, she’d

Chapter 153

gone now. Whose it was

Letitia will never guess that the baby in her belly was

they burst into laughter. Their laughter echoed in Letitia’s


were they saying? The baby she aborted was Elgin’s?

could that be? What in the world happened?

Ramirez himself wouldn’t have guessed. He thought he got rid of a bastard, but it was his flesh


had mistaken me for Letitia

replaced Letitia that night. Our lives have been so cushy

all thanks to your cunning plans. Without your strategies, we wouldn’t be here today.”

on it. This must stay between us and not reach a third ear,” Mark advised, “Shela, hurry Mr. Ramirez along.

soon. And there

no longer cared to listen.

fixated on the revelation that “the baby was Elgin’s,” which

thoughts, with her gaze blankly staring ahead, eyes

Why would it be Elgin’s?

couldn’t believe it. But Mark and Shela had confessed it themselves, so it

to think about it, the


the geezer’s clutches and inadvertently

who had a fling

Elgin’s because she had

would never forget those four words Elgin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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