Chapter 154

The stuff she said next… Letitia could’ve called it.

Shela was definitely gonna spill the beans to Mom about the miscarriage, how it happened, and how miserable Letitia’s been. She would then go all out to embellish the story and kept poking the bear.

It turned out that Shela went and told Mom the hard truth.

Mom couldn’t handle such a brutal reality, that’s why she passed out and ended up in emergency care.

This kind of truth? Forget Mom, even Letitia couldn’t handle it.

She took off her headphones and packed them away carefully.

Outside the window, it was all sunshine and rainbows, but Letitia’s heart was freezing cold.

She stepped out of the Ramirez Group, the warm sun on her skin, but it couldn’t thaw her heart.

Letitia felt like a walking corpse.

Who would’ve thought that guy from that night would be Elgin? The baby she was carrying was a part of the Ramirez family bloodline.

It was so outrageous and absurd, yet an undeniable fact!

Letitia stopped dead in her tracks on the bustling street and was at totally lost. She seemed to have no clue what her life was even about anymore.

She hailed a cab.

“Where to, miss?”


Right, where was she supposed to go? No home left, Dad’s in jail, Mom’s in ICU.

She was just a lost soul.

“To the sanatorium,” she finally decided to visit her mother one last time.

By her mother’s side, that’s where she felt a tiny bit of safety.

Meanwhile, Vidonia headed back to the office.

the worst times.

noticed Letitia wasn’t

is she?” She looked all around, “Why did she leave? Where could she have gone?”


employee area, only to find Letitia’s desk


just vanished after listening to the recording? Did she

At the Sanatorium.

let her into the

minutes were enough.

the bed, her cheek against her

falling the moment

Chapter 154

she could pour her heart out

have to be

doesn’t know


do now? How can I face Elgin? How shattered will he be

so much. For the baby’s sake, the

the truth about Marcel Ramirez’s

minutes flew by.

had yet to dry, hanging on her cheeks as she

condition is currently stable,” the attending physician said. “If all goes well, she can be moved to

if things


pessimistic,” Letitia replied. “If everything goes smoothly, to what extent can

said, “She’s of advanced age, and… the delay in getting the right medication has lessened the potential effect. But with proper care, there’s

Letitia nodded.

her pocket, but she didn’t bother to check it. Right now,

of the sanatorium, about to hail a cab, when a


stopped, the door opened, and out

Hawley and Phedra!

was taken aback. What were they doing

is the place,” Phedra said. “Elgin moved Letitia’s mother here, and the treatment

really spared no expense.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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