Chapter 37 Ava: Overcome (IV)

I was an animal. And so was he.

I can feel Selene in the back of my mind, and I know that she's asleep. I don't bother her; I have a more pressing concern.

There's no call light within reach, and I wiggle and struggle against my restraints. I desperately, desperately need to pee.

I can hear a little electronic click, then a disinterested, staticky voice fills the room. "Do you need anything?"

I clear my throat, licking my dry lips. "I need to go to the bathroom." My voice is hoarse, my throat sore. I wonder if I've been screaming. I have a feeling I have been.

"Your nurse will be in in just a moment," Static Voice says, and clicks off again.

I realize then that they're probably watching me on camera, and my skin prickles in unease. Somehow, this feels worse than dealing with a horny kidnapper rubbing himself on me.

I try not to think about it. It's something I'm used to doing; it's how I've made it through life this far.

But I really, really need to pee, damn it.

A nurse I don't recognize comes in, and it takes a solid thirty seconds for her to lock the door behind her. It's embarrassing to see how many security measures are in place to keep me unmated.

"How are you feeling? You seem to be pretty rational," she says, chipper as the morning sun.

her. I feel like shit. My head hurts. My body hurts. I have horrible memories of me throwing myself at a man I barely know in front of who knows how many strangers, and here's this pretty nurse

to the bathroom, or

have to put you back in them. We don't want a repeat of last night." She

unbuckling my wrist first.

and I bolt for the bathroom in panic. For a brief moment, I'm able to push aside the confusion and embarrassment. But then memories rush back, and I bury my face in my hands as I remember



a pill to cancel heat and cause twenty-four hours

my hands. Drying them with a thin hospital town, I stare at my reflection. Tangled hair, puffy eyes, and

the mirror, patting my hot cheeks. So

exit the bathroom. The sight of the restraints hanging off my

doctor, going through the elaborate process of locking and

face. "Good morning,

she probably heard about last night makes me feel awkward, so I avoid her eyes. "Embarrassed, mostly. And sore." I

experienced was a very intense heat cycle, Ava. Much stronger than what we typically see in

her hands in her lap. "Honestly, though… We don't have a lot of documented information on true omegas and their heat cycles. They're incredibly rare. All omegas are called that because

swallow hard, my stomach churning with unease. "So, what

"It means we underestimated the severity of your heat. We thought we would have more time before the peak hit." She looks at me directly, her eyes apologetic. "I'm sorry, Ava. We should have taken more

trying to be nonchalant. "It's okay. I mean,

do everything we can to help you through this, Ava. I promise." Dr. Summers leans forward, her voice gentle but firm. "But I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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