Chapter 316 Ava: Selene vs Grimoire

I crack my eyes open, glowering in Grimoire's direction. To my surprise, Lucas mirrors my expression, his brows furrowed as he stares daggers at the sentient book. Even Selene, now sitting across the room as she watches, growls with unmistakable hostility.

Grimoire clears his throat, clearly sensing the shift in the room's atmosphere. "Perhaps a more hands-on approach would be beneficial," he says, his tone noticeably softer. "Ava, if you would hold my hand, I'll guide you through the process."

Hesitantly, I reach out and place my hand in his. The moment our skin touches, I feel a surge of energy coursing through me. It's different from the raw power I've experienced before—more focused, controlled.

I want to ask him why, when I touch him as a book, he takes my magic. And how, now that he's here and human, I can take his. But that's a question for another time, not when I'm busy doing something important.

"Now," Grimoire instructs, "close your eyes and follow my lead."

I obey, letting my eyelids flutter shut. Grimoire's presence in my mind is gentle but insistent, guiding my consciousness along unfamiliar paths. We delve deeper into the recesses of my psyche, searching for that elusive connection to Lucas.

But as we explore, Grimoire's mental touch becomes hesitant, then puzzled. The silence in the room grows heavy as minutes tick by without result.

Finally, Grimoire's voice breaks the stillness, tinged with confusion. "This... this can't be right."

I open my eyes to find him staring at me, his brow furrowed in concentration. "What is it?" I ask, anxiety creeping into my voice.

"You are correct," he admits reluctantly. "There's nothing there. No trace of a pack bond, no lingering connection." Grimoire shakes his head, clearly struggling to articulate his thoughts. "As if the bond doesn't exist."

How could that be possible? I've felt the connection between Lucas and me, felt the warmth of our bond, the presence of his mind, at the moment of our mating connection. It can't just not exist.

Selene sounds downright surly. This shouldn't be news to you, book. Ava has no access to the pack bond. Why act surprised now?

Grimoire bristles at her words. "There should still be something," he snaps back. "A remnant, a trace, anything. Even without access to the full pack bond, there should be some evidence of the connection between mates."

Grimoire's earlier admonition. "It doesn't change how I

one facet of it that seems to be missing…" Grimoire's voice trails off as he looks at Selene, silver eyes brightening. "Of course. Of

Apologize, Selene growls.

"Apologize? For what?"

gleaming as her

He did. I heard

silence, is

have been

flashing silver eyes, and the next he's gone. The heavy thud of his

clamps down on its spine. The growl rumbling from

sight of my fierce, dignified dog-wolf gnawing on a book like an overgrown puppy with a chew toy is almost too much to bear.

come on," I say, reaching for the

bit before she finally releases him, leaving behind a few wet marks

glance up to see Lucas watching me. His eyebrow is raised, a mix of amusement and confusion playing across

a bit sheepish. "They were arguing.

eyes darting between me, the book, and Selene. "I see," he says, though his tone suggests he doesn't really see at

suddenly erupts in my mind, loud and indignant. That flea-bitten mongrel! How dare she attack me?

tirade. "Grimoire,

him? he scoffs. From what? Words? How painful they must

grows louder, her ice-blue eyes fixed on the book in my hands.

indignation warring

he says grudgingly. My words were...

reluctance in his tone. It's clear he's not used to backing down, but Selene's fierce

patting the book's cover gently. "Was that so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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