Chapter 389 Ava: Pulling Away

My hands tremble against the frozen earth. The corruption no longer yields so easily to my touch. Each pull of taint feels like dragging a boulder through mud; I'm exhausted.

Stop. Selene's command rings sharp in my mind. You're exhausted.

She's right. You need to pull back now.

The corruption fights my attempts to draw it in, thick and viscous. My earlier confidence crumbles as my magic strains to pull in more corruption. It's hungry.

Sweat trickles down my spine despite the bitter cold.

I try to pull away, but the corruption clings like tar. My arms shake with the effort to break free. The magic inside me churns, no longer the smooth current it was before.

Get up. Selene's teeth close gently on my coat sleeve. I've cleared a lot of space, and it's no longer unsafe for her to be by my side. Let go.

"I'm trying." Panic edges into my voice. The corruption wraps tendrils around my magic, and my magic grabs onto it like a starving child. "It won't let go."

Focus. Grimoire's presence wraps around my mind. Your magic belongs to you. It is under your power. You are in command.

The corruption pulls harder. My vision blurs at the edges. The buzzing under my skin turns to needles of ice.

Fight it, little witch.

I close my eyes, concentrating on Grimoire's voice. On Selene's steady presence. On Lucas waiting for me back at Wolf's Landing. On Lisa who needs me strong and whole.

On all of Westwood, who have come to accept me as their Luna.

The corruption's hold wavers.

I gasp for air. The magic inside me whirls like

presses against my side, her dog-breath in my face as she licks me desperately. Just

I am glowing. The light beneath my skin pulses erratically,

comes out raw. "It was so easy, and then it just

the denser corruption, as I warned might happen. It will seem effortless until you're lacking energy, and then it's like walking through knee-deep mud. You did well, but your control still

they were

encountered an amount of corruption you can't cleanse on your own. It's understandable to falter in the face of its power. Grimoire's words are a soothing balm in my tired

fingers press against my wrist, her frown deepening. "Your pulse is racing.

Despite trying to project a strong front, I

of her hand to my forehead. "And pale

I didn't drink a

together after the first

is worried sick. You've been at this

across the snow. Twilight bathes everything in muted colors, the sun nothing more than a memory on the

realize it would

the snow. "How much of the taint is left?

"About two-thirds."

inhales from the wolves around me. Greg mutters a curse

"You've been working for eight hours

I've done in the past. It must be a huge shock for them to see different this patch is than the

It was

a water bottle into my hands.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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