
Chapter 107

107 Lucas: Panic


“What the fuck do you mean she’s unconscious?” My voice rises in the back of the cab, drawing Vester’s alarmed glance in the rearview mirror of the SUV.

Kellan’s voice crackles through my phone. “Her vitals are stable, but she’s not waking up. Doctors can’t find anything physically wrong.”

“Then why the hell is she in the hospital?” Fury pounds through my veins, my wolf snarling to hunt down whoever dared harm our mate. “What did Jericho do?”

“It wasn’t him. She collapsed at home after training.”

“Training?” The word comes out in a growl. “She’s still recovering! She shouldn’t be-”

“Boss.” Vester’s gruff voice cuts in. “Nessa’s with her

now. Should be able to tell us more soon.”

I rake a hand through my hair, jaw clenched. “I want guards on her room. No one gets in besides pack and medical staff.”

“Already done.”



107 Lucas: Panic

“Good.” I glance out the window at the darkened streets whizzing by, leg bouncing with impatience. Vester’s watching cautiously, and the husky’s panting in the back, still crated. “The dog. Get her to Lisa’s place.”

“Dog?” Kellan grunts. “Since when-“.

“Don’t worry about it.” I end the call, pulse hammering in my throat.

Ava. My Ava. Lying in a hospital bed. Again.

No. I won’t let anything else happen to her. Whatever this is, whoever is responsible, I’ll destroy them. Rip them to shreds with my bare hands if I have to.

The SUV screeches to a halt outside the hospital, but I’m already flinging open the door, barely registering

Vester’s shout to wait. Selene whines from her crate,

dog right now. All

the sliding doors, my boots thudding against the linoleum as I make a beeline for the front desk. The receptionist looks up, startled,

Ava’s room number.

107 Lucas Panic

I growl, slamming my hand on the counter. “Alpha of the Westwood Pack. Ava Grey is under my protection. Now tell me where she is.”

fingers flying over her keyboard. “R–room 305, Alpha. Third floor, to the

head for the elevators. The ride up is agonizingly slow,

worst–case scenarios.

What if someone got past the guards? What

the distance to Ava’s room. Two of my enforcers stand guard outside, nodding respectfully as I approach.

bark, not

Alpha,” one of them says. “Vanessa’s still

with her.”

heart in my throat. And there she is. Ava. Lying still and pale against the

her hodaido ovnraccion crim




107 Lucas Panic

other side of the

Must be Lisa.

greets softly. “I wish


three strides, my hand finding hers, careful of the wires and tubes. Her skin is

touch, and I have to swallow past the lump in my


wrong with her, Nessa?” I ask hoarsely. “Why won’t she wake up?”

a hand through her hair. “Physically, she’s fine. Exhausted and a bit dehydrated, but nothing that would


“Then what-”

it’s her wolf,” Vanessa cuts in gently. “Or rather,

the lack thereof.”

not understanding. “What do you mean?”

unique,” Vanessa says carefully. “She hasn’t shifted, despite being of age. And now, with everything she’s been through… I think her wolf is trying



107 Lucas Panic

up with. Her healing has been at an exceptional rate recently, and there was the incident. during the escape where she had supernatural speed. These are not human traits. These are from our


down at Ava’s still face, my mind reeling. Her wolf. Trying to

This is beyond anything I’ve

tight. Uncharted or not, I refuse to lose Ava.

And double the guard on her room. No one gets in besides medical staff

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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