
Chapter 112

112 Ava: Waking Up



So cold.

It burns.

My lungs ache.

Something’s holding me down.

There are whispers. Prayers, I think.

Chaos reigns in this hazy world. Something beeps. incessantly.

I’m sweating. My hands are too warm.

1. up.

What’s that?

… Ava, you…

Who’s that?

can you hear me?

I struggle to reach the voice that calls me,




112 Ava: Waking Up

something sucks me away again.

Frustration simmers, but I’m too tired to fight it.

Ava, you have to wake up.

There it is again.

I know you can hear me, because I can finally hear you.

Hear me? Hear me what? Am I talking?


No, I don’t think I’m talking. I’m too tired. My body is crushed beneath the earth. Fire ate every last bit of me. I drowned. The air was sucked away.

You’re alive. You’re asleep in the hospital. You’re just fine. You just need to wake up.

No, no.

No, no, no.

Waking is pain.

the pain.

Ava. Just wake

1. me.

No way.



Ava: Waking Up

peaceful here, in this hazy

you have to come back. This

should be.

in this serenity of darkness. I feel pain, but it doesn’t kill me. It isn’t enough to kill me.

die, Ava.


Alive means death-

up. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You never died. Wake.


crack open. They feel like sandpaper scraping against my lids. Everything is


Her voice is warm honey in


into my palm.



Ava Waking Up

She’s there, silver fur shining, blue eyes

Relief colors

my tongue heavy and thick. “What happened?” The words scrape

arm. I want to

my name, but I’m already


returns gradually. The steady beep of a heart monitor. The chemical

my skin. An IV pinches the

are heavy but I force them open. The ceiling swims into focus–white tiles, fluorescent lights. A hospital.

back. Her relief washes over

They’re asking me questions, one talking over the other. It’s painful to



Waking Up

I rasp, my throat raw


whines softly. We were


Lucas asks, way too close to me.

you feeling?” Lisa pipes up, from my

weeks. The news hits me like a punch to the gut. I

Selene helps, bracing her body against mine, and both Lisa and Lucas rest their

that leaves me

I take stock. My limbs feel

few bags hanging off it. One of the

pooled around my waist.

cautions as I waver, dizzy. You’ve




through a lot.

Training with Jericho and Lisa. Collapsing on the couch. Then… nothing. A yawning black hole in


us, a feeling of comfort, and the urge to press my cheek

is trying to emerge. Do

fills me with trepidation. I flick a glance toward my wolf, disguised as a husky for a reason she has yet to

way too

afraid, Selene soothes, sensing my unease. This is




The word tastes like ashes on my tongue. Nothing about my life has been natural. Is Vanessa right? Are you going to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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