Chapter 217 

Stefania was very familiar with the principle of spending money to mitigate disaster. Besides, it was only a few million dollars. That amount was nothing to her. She did not lack this trivial amount of money, so she might as well just hand over the money and be done with it.

However, Tessa acted very stern and righteous when refusing my money previously. Now that she is short of money and regrets her previous actions, it means that she wants something from me. Hence, I don’t need to persuade her to stay away from Greg like before. Therefore, she got straight to the point. “Miss Reinhart, have you changed your mind? How much do you want? Just name your price.”

Tessa’s expression was already cold in the first place. After listening to Stefania humiliating her in that manner, her expression practically turned to ice. “I am not here for money. There’s something I wanted to ask you, Mrs: Sawyer.” She emphasized each word carefully. “Mrs. Sawyer, you have already made me lose my tutoring job. Is that not enough? Why are you banning me from the entire orchestra industry? Don’t you think your actions are too much!?”

Being accused out of nowhere left Stefania feeling dumbfounded. “What nonsense are you talking about? Why would I ban you from anything?”

Group, I was fired without another word. I tried to interview at other orchestras, but none of the orchestras would hire me because they know that I’ve offended you. Mrs. Sawyer, let me ask you this: Are you planning to exterminate me completely?

and answered bluntly, “I don’t know what you are trying to accuse me of. This matter has nothing to do with

suddenly turned frosty. “It’s meaningless for you to play dumb at this point. I have inquired about this matter. Everybody says that it was a directive issued by the

the truth that she was not behind this incident. Since Tessa

something like this but me? Could it be that my son has finally come to his senses? Does he

Stefania had acquiesced to her accusations. Thus, she straightforwardly said, “I hope you will hold back on your methods, Mrs. Sawyer. Please leave me a

that, she left the café

mulling over what Tessa mentioned earlier. It’s true that my son will not corner her into a dead-end no matter how much he dislikes

she turned to the driver and said, “Help me investigate the relationship between the Sawyer Group, the Heavenly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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