Chapter 218 

Nicholas thought back to the time when Tessa resigned from her position. She mehe not return on her own initiative as things stood, but she might be willing to return if Gregory took the initiative to ask her. When it came down to it, the right to decide was in her hands.

Hence, he said, “You can video call her. If she agrees, I’ll send you there.”

“Okay!” Gregory nodded repeatedly in delight. He had been worried that he might annoy Tessa if he kept disturbing her, so he had not contacted her recently. “I miss Miss Tessa. I’m sure she misses me too.”

Tessa was at home talking to Timothy when she received the video call notification. After hiding for so many days, she suddenly felt her heart pounding a little faster at the sight of Nicholas’ name. She was reluctant to answer the video call.

Her reaction puzzled Timothy. “What’s wrong, Tess? Why aren’t you answering?”

Not wanting her brother to overthink about this matter, she gritted her teeth and accepted the invitation to the video call.

Gregory’s face instantly appeared on the screen of her phone. As soon as he saw her, he greeted her sweetly. “Good afternoon, Miss Tessa! Have you eaten? Did you miss me?”

She did not answer his questions. Instead, she asked faintly, “What’s up?”

notice the change in her attitude. He happily exclaimed, “I missed you, Miss Tessa. That’s why I asked Daddy to video call

She lowered her eyes to

slightly disappointed, he still looked at her hopefully. “I see. What about tomorrow? Or, the day

in the near future. I have something to do,

between the lines, he understood the meaning behind

eyes in disbelief. “Miss

was frosty.

that, she ended the video call without

her attitude toward Gregory. Tess loves Young Master Gregory the most! Why did she

worriedly, “Tess, are you atright?

She had no intention of telling

why?” He didn’t

to go to work? Hurry up and eat. Go back to work after you finish

to explain further, he did not force her even though he was overflowing with questions. Either way, he would respect the decisions that she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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