Chapter 221

That Prince Is A Girl: The Vicious King's Captive Slave Mate Chapter 221

"Stay with me," she cupped his icy hands in hers, ignoring the biting cold. Touching him everywhere she could reach...his forehead, his shoulders, his arms. "Please stay with me, your Grace. You can do this. I know you can." Driven, Emeriel sprang up and dashed out of the room, only to return with armfuls of blankets.

She piled them on top of him, burying him under a mountain of wool.

Yet, it didn't seem like enough. He needed more. He needed more!

"I'm here! Step back, Emeriel!" Lord Ottai barged in, two buckets in hand, steam rising from them in furious spirals. "Get those blankets off him, quickly."

Fumbling, she tore the blankets away and Lord Ottai wasted no time tipping the first bucket over him.

The boiling water hissed as it hit his frozen skin, drenching him from head to toe.

The heat vanished almost instantly. The water cooled within seconds.

Light-gods... This is not real. There's no way this is happening.

Swearing under his breath, Lord Ottai grabbed the second bucket and poured it over him as well.

The result was the same. The water turned cold before it could even begin to do its work.

More guards arrived, carrying an endless supply of steaming buckets. Lord Ottai continued to offload bucket after bucket over the grand king, each time the warmth vanished almost as soon as it touched his frigid body.

Emeriel lost count of how many buckets they'd used, her heart sinking deeper each time the water failed to warm him.

Out the window, the night sky was alight with firesticks. The grounds were filled with a crowd kneeling in prayer. Urekai...and humans.

Her breath caught. There were no soldiers pushing the humans back. No conflict, no hostility. Just peaceful coexistence. Prayers whispered into the night, for the grand king's safe crossing and return. A moment of unity between the two species. So rare, so beautiful. Looking back at King Daemonikai, puffs of air shuddered out of Emeriel in relief.

His temperature had begun to shift. A touch of color had returned to his skin. The cold was slowly retreating.

"That's enough for now," Lord Ottai said, his voice hoarse but relieved.

"But his temperature is still low," Emeriel protested.

cross the Cold Sea, not drown him." The grand lord

"Livia, use the washcloths."

Livia stepped forward, knelt beside the bed, and began to carefully wash the grand king's body

water no longer hissed in contact


crawling up his body like a

Enough of this.

thought, Emeriel started taking

Ottai looked at her, alarmed. "What are you

she shed her everything quickly. Heat. I must keep him

beside King Daemonikai, pressing her

was biting, painful. But

chest, legs entangling with his, Emeriel wrapped around

trembled from the cold, but she gritted her

of your goddamn mind!?" Lord Ottai

Emeriel!" Madam Livia shrieked,

tuned them out. Must warm

anymore, a part

Emeriel whispered back inwardly, just for a

am I not surprised anymore, that they

his neck. "Just stay with me a little longer." Her fingers traced over his skin, cold

is dangerous." Lord Ottai's tone turned pleading. "Please, Emeriel, listen to me." "If he becomes too cold, I

you sure?" Lord Ottai

already too cold. "I'm sure," she had


of blankets," Emeriel cut her off, eyes locked on the king's pale,

with a pile of warm wool. But the cold swallowed every bit of warmth, Emeriel

exposing the king's feet and hands one by one to wash them with

strongest male I know," Emeriel's hand cupped his cheek. "We all

of the Urekai. You will glide across that sea like it's a mere

stretching on in silence, everyone

later, Lord Ottai rose as well, walking to the door. "I will check back in the morning,"

his eyes

better Soulbond. You're

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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