Chapter 222

That Prince Is A Girl: The Vicious King's Captive Slave Mate Chapter 222

GRAND LORD VLADYA "This place is beautiful," Aekeira exclaimed, her sunny smile beaming as she plucked a delicate cherry blossom from a nearby branch. "So peaceful, too." Grand Lord Vladya couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Every movement she made, every step she took, his eyes followed.

He had brought her to his favorite sanctuary within the woods, a place he had discovered a millennium ago.

Now, standing there watching Aekeira, he realized that the most beautiful sight here wasn't the blossoms or the tranquil scenery-it was her.

Aekeira had visited him every day, never failing to arrive with a bag filled with nourishing food, ripe fruits, and an assortment of herbs she claimed would be good for him.

He hadn't asked for it, yet she visited daily, taking care of him. Not only did she want him to fight, and she wanted to fight alongside him.

Judging by her constant variety of herbs, she had clearly paid a visit to the royal healer. Faiwick must have been all too willing to help.

Aekeira never came empty-handed, and she hovered like a mother hen to make sure he took every concoction. Of course, she attempted to disguise her fuss, and Vladya played along. He knew if he acknowledged her attentiveness, those cute fierce blushes would spread across her cheeks, and she would flee.

As much as he enjoyed watching her go shy and flustered, he had grown to like her constant hovering even better.

When was the last time any female had fussed over him like this? With such genuine care and devotion?

Way too long.

Vladya hadn't thought he'd enjoy it, but now he did. More than that he looked forward to it everyday.

"Is that not gardenia!?" Aekeira skipped over to the patch of white flowers. "So pretty! Em and I have tried growing them for years, but they always die on us. Notoriously difficult to grow."

Aekeira's enthusiasm was infectious. She could talk endlessly when comfortable, and when the conversation turned to things she was passionate about, like plants or her life with Emeriel, she became even more animated. Vladya enjoyed listening to her.

It was almost unbelievable how much he enjoyed everything about Aekeira.

He used to think things wouldn't feel the same, with his sexual urges dulled. After all, if there was one thing he had always been certain of, it was his great lust for her.

his desire. Always made him

Vladya off, to make him want to mount her. He

But it wasn't.

Different, yes, but somehow...better.

past week, Vladya had come to know Aekeira in

she wasn't particularly good at it. Unlike her sister Emeriel, she wasn't skilled in combat. Aekeira has a hearty appetite

truly happy, she laughed so hard she giggled. A sound that embarrassed

she'd said once, her cheeks warm. "My governess would have been

Vladya loved that

it a joy

her laugh like that once, when she'd recounted a story about the mischief she and Emeriel had gotten into as children. The sound of that unrestrained laughter, followed by a sweet giggle, had imprinted. Vladya hoped to hear more of it in the future. He didn't need the sexlust to feel drawn

broke through his reverie, concern bringing her close to

the madness? Is

am fine." And surprisingly, Vladya

bad days than good over the years, he had

that urged him to hurt,

restless and

get back, I'll give you the herbal drink I made.

Most likely, Faiwick had drilled

took his hand-the paw one-her excitement infectious. "I want to see

what was beyond it. A

silence, allowing her to lead him. He was beginning to realize how much he enjoyed living in Aekeira's world, experiencing the wonder and

the most alive he had felt in centuries. She made him feel

A beautiful lake!" she squealed, the sound definitely

the blush

rare urge

that came on so strong, he had to force it

Lord Vladya." Aekeira cleared her throat, trying to

through and through. Even as a slave, she had carried herself with grace and dignity of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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