Chapter 192 Alone


Bob received the news of Zoey’s capture and immediately headed for Dragon’s Hill with his


He also reported to Taylor right away.

All of Tigra’s special forces, along with Henry, were making their way to Dragon’s Hill.

It would not be a peaceful night in Dragon’s Hill tonight.

Zoey was understandably frightened, thinking that she was brought to the middle of nowhere when she arrived at the base of Dragon’s Hill.

Although she had remained relatively safe in the hands of the special forces, her anxiety only grew the farther she was being brought away from Southlake City.

“What do you guys want from me exactly?” asked the frightened Zoey.

One of the men replied, “Shut up. You’ll know soon enough.”

The car soon arrived at the top of Dragon’s Hill.

Zoey was spooked by the complete darkness surrounding her.

Many more cars showed up and parked nearby right after the car she was in had stopped.

Hundreds of men soon came out of the cars and surrounded the place, which frightened Zoey

even more.

Taylor walked up to the frightened Zoey with a smile and explained, “Relax, Ms. Yanez. We won’t hurt you as long as you listen to us.”

She nodded her head obediently as she didn’t dare to resist considering she was all alone.

Some of the soldiers were stationed outside while the rest entered the tunnels.

Zoey was brought into the tunnels and soon came across three corpses that were revealed by a flashlight.

She screamed her lungs out at the sight. Although she was no stranger to seeing corpses, the three mangled bodies before her were too gruesome.

Taylor spoke up with a sly smile, “Ms. Yanez, I’d like to borrow your phone to give your friend, Willow, a call.”

He then ordered his men to bring him her phone.

they knew about the fact that Willow was the boss of a huge corporation


was sitting on the sofa and watching

Why are you calling me so late into the night?” asked Willow.

replied, “Mrs. Stewart, we have your friend Zoey in our hands. You’d better listen to us if

quickly composed herself after realizing

pay you as much


wanted to calm down

we need is your grandfather’s records. Bring them along and come to Dragon’s Hill. We have a puzzle

surprised once more. “A


perhaps the caller was a Tigran

that your grandfather was knowledgeable about this. We’d love

kidnapped Zoey in order to

never expected her enemies to be so despicable as to threaten her with her best friend’s


Hill. Or else, you won’t see

hurt her, please! I’ll come right

still decided to show up at Dragon’s Hill in order to ascertain

to ask for any help, especially from your husband, Caspian. Or else, your friend’s

glance at Caspian in the bathroom. She surmised that he should



understand, I’ll be there as

hung up the phone after


as soon as

She stepped as hard as she could on the pedal, making her way to Dragon’s

the rest of the soldiers were guarding the area from the shadows.

they saw Willow leaving the house alone in the middle

happen between Willow and Caspian? Why is she leaving in the middle of the night

We need to give Caspian a

called Caspian to tell him about the

up the call from Macy just as he came out

news! Willow drove away by herself a minute ago. Did

Chase after

Caspian didn’t know what had happened just yet, his instincts told him that something bad was going to

the call and rushed out of the

if he were to catch

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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