Chapter 193 Everchanging Battles


“What’s the point of telling you about it? What can you possibly do? Besides, they told me to never tell anyone about it, or else they’d kill Zoey!”

Willow hastily explained herself while trying to hold back her tears.

“Calm down, Willow. They won’t kill Zoey just like that. What they really want is for you to help them solve the puzzle. Zoey will be safe until you arrive.”

She was finally convinced.

Meanwhile, Sylvia had brought along Diatoran’s special forces and caught up to them.

Willow didn’t expect Caspian to call his comrades for help.

She surmised that it was the best call of action considering that Zoey was kidnapped by Tigran


She couldn’t tell whether or not his comrades would be able to save Zoey just yet.

Sylvia spoke up, “Caspian, let me lead our men for a frontal assault and rescue the hostage.”

“Calm down, Sylvia. We don’t have any advantage going into the tunnels. We won’t be able to see anything and would just be sending our men to their deaths if we fight them head–on,” replied Caspian.

Sylvia continued, “Then how about General Anderson’s troops? It can be less risky.”

Willow was surprised to hear about John Anderson.

She could not comprehend how Caspian and Sylvia could simply just ask him for help.

John was supposed to be a general, even above Sylvia by rank.

“It’s not a matter of troops, it’s a matter of the terrain. We could funnel as many of our soldiers as we want, but it’s just sending them into a meat grinder of a tunnel!” explained Caspian.

He then pondered for a while and came up with another solution.

“I have an idea.

I’ll bring Willow into the tunnel and rescue Zoey myself. The rest of you, stay outside and assist me.”

Both Sylvia and Macy were shocked to hear his proposal.

mind. “Caspian, this is too risky! I don’t

own life to face the adversities



don’t agree with your plan. Why don’t we

special forces, Sylvia and Macy

hostage. The Tigran scuns should lower their defenses when they see that we’re all women. If anything

also trying to stop Caspian after he laid out

were so concerned about Caspian’s safety and if he had some hidden special identity.


have about 400 to 500 men inside the tunnel. We

of their special forces soldiers is

to harm me in due time. If you guys were to launch an assault into the tunnels, you’d simply be turned into target practice

and Macy were unable to


the door of the Rolls–Royce and got into the

and got into

remained as per

as his car gradually disappeared into the darkness before giving a call to


had already sent out multiple teams to

out her requests, “A shift of directives. Please have your men make haste. We’ll be standing guard

understand. I’ve already mobilized the tanks and helicopters. They’ll be making their way to Dragon’s Hill as

then hung up the call.


Aridlands, special forces soldiers were heading out toward

his foot on the gas pedal, speeding


believe him,” answered Caspian.

“Do you have some special identity of sorts? How else could you simply ask for help from General Anderson of

servicemen working together to protect our

You mean that it’s the Tigran special forces

dumbfounded by the

a country’s military that symbolized the best of what

the puzzle? It’s not like I know anything about it. Is it really all just

it came to studying the Cosmic Octagonal Nexus, while Willow never attempted

What about your grandfather’s book? Maybe there’s an

They seem to be really interested in it as well. Let me have a

then brought out a yellowed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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