Chapter 520 Renegade

Nicholas and Richard seemed to have guessed Kenzie’s identity from what he said.

They figured that he was probably a spy who infiltrated Diatoran, making both of them nervous

It was a sensitive period. Their conversation with the enemy’s spies would inevitably arouse suspicion. If the nation were to find out about this, they would be dead.

They could not afford to be labeled as traitors.

If they were to be caught red-handed, they would be decapitated. Even those with prominent backgrounds would not be able to escape.

“Don’t worry, the enemy of my enemy is a friend. Look, we’re friends


“After all, our common enemy is Caspian. We’ll get rid of Caspian together. I wonder if the two of you are interested in joining me?” Kenzie said as he put on his sunglasses and mask again.

“What are you doing here? You’re a Vadesian. We’re about to have a war. You think we’ll join hands with you? That would be treason,” Richard said urgently.

“He’s right. You’d better hurry and leave. Don’t let others know that we’ve met. It’s just too bad you’re a Vadesian. It’s true that we have a grudge against Caspian, but we’ll never betray our country. Our only target is Caspian.

“We’ll never be friends with you,” Nicholas said.

They might loathe Caspian, but they would never do something to

betray their own country.



To be charged with treason was something they could not afford. After all, it was a crime punishable by decapitation.

“My fellow gentlemen, you do know that joining hands with me is your only chance at getting back at Caspian, right? Otherwise, you’ll have to live in his shadows forever. Do you want a life like that?

“As long as you work together with me, I promise you that you can get. rid of him and pay him back for all that he has done. On behalf of Vadesia, I promise that as long as you join hands with us, we’ll spare your family.

“In addition, we’ll make your family the most prominent family in Southlake City!” Kenzie said.

Richard and Nicholas were tempted.

“Can Vadesia really guarantee our safety and help us become the most powerful family in Southlake City?” Richard asked.

Filren, we’ll be attacking Diatoran from all directions. You won’t be able to defend

Vadesia will have already occupied the entire nation completely! If you work with me now and help us defeat Diatoran, our

also ensure that your family has a firm foothold in Southlake City. We’ll give you whatever resources you need.”

into it. The conditions he offered were

lose? I’m telling you, Diatoran is

Richard asked again.


soon. This means that they’ll reach the coastline of Southlake City,

nation in West Aridlands, in which I heard that

man will be able to tell from the current situation that Diatoran will never be able to win against

With four nations

convinced by Kenzie’s claims because Diatoran


a loser like Caspian could

enough to step

of person he

that he’ll be able to lead


powerful he was. However, he did

become his moles.

become a five-star general. It’s a rank higher than John’s!” Richard exclaimed, baffled.


your king back when he was in the military. The King was happy and gave him

happened! I can’t believe he actually saved the King before. That explains why a loser like him could cop such a

saved your king that he could have the position he has today. He

publicly award him the rank for fear of causing public outrage,”

hearing Kenzie’s words. They finally understood why they never heard about Caspian’s promotion.

did was save him. How could he award him with such a

have Caspian be the chief commander is giving the

worst. What he’s doing is jeopardizing the co might

already wavering and quickly Southlake City will be the first stop of our attack. When the time comes, we’ll use the shortest time possible to

anyone who disobeys

two men were startled to hear this.

wise men.


enjoy y of luxury young wou never would have imagined before. However, ifif 1 willing

to strike when thehenthe iron was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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