Chapter 521 Foiled Plans

Desmond reported, “Astronia’s and Vadesia’s advance troops are currently 200 nautical miles away from our range of fire. In addition, it seems that their peace talk with Necros has failed. Necros won’t be able to hold them off until our

reinforcements arrive.”

“I see. We’ll have to formulate a plan to assist Necros… Aside from that, we’ll immediately launch the operation the moment the enemy troops enter our range of fire!”

Desmond continued, “You should return to South Aridlands to monitor the entire battle, Chief Commander. We’ll be fine.”

Caspian raised his hand and gestured at him. “Don’t worry, I have my own plans.

He wasn’t about to head into battle right away. He just wanted to show up on the front lines as the Diatoranian God of War to boost the morale of the army.

He couldn’t afford to play the hero and fight at the forefront as it could be disastrous for Diatoran if something unforeseen were to happen to him.

It wasn’t because Caspian was a coward, it was because his presence was needed to uphold the troops’ morale as well as the safety of Diatoran as a whole.

He remained calm as the enemy’s advance troops inched closer and closer.

He surveyed the coastline of Southlake City to confirm that all the soldiers were ready.

Guided missiles were also placed around the coast.

Caspian’s plan was to begin the attack at the exact moment the enemy’s advance troops arrived to catch them by surprise.

And as for Necros, he decided that dispatching a small army to assist them would be enough.

Caspian patrolled the coastline for around 30 minutes and was about to leave when Desmond ran up to him in a hurry. “Sir, the enemy’s advance troops have stopped moving!”

Caspian frowned upon receiving the news and asked, “Could it be that our enemies have learned of our plan?”

Desmond nodded his head and answered, “It’s possible!”



with Desmond. Macy, you come with me back to

them nodded their

escorted Caspian

the front lines anyway, so

much preferred being by Caspian’s side as protecting

his own plans in mind when he issued

good hands as both Sylvia and Desmond were powerful general

troops had stopped moving. He decided to station Sylvia by the coast as

experienced in being a commander. She would prefer a mindless advance even in a large-scale operation. Caspian was

and Caspian got into the same SUV and headed back to South Aridlands while being escorted

I have some opinions regarding

speak your

have figured out our plan if

and?” Caspian asked as she

if I

I may

take such a risky move. And

Truly, our enemies aren’t pushovers.” Caspian nodded at


confused about is why their advance



all-time high. Wouldn’t the sudden halt confuse their troops? Do they plan to keep dragging

continue marching onward if they’ve truly learned of our plans. Otherwise, they’d just be walking

I think that it’s really weird that they’re stopping at this moment, even if it’s

could have started the attack and caused trouble for Diatoran right now, even if the bulk of their

his head. “You’re right. I’m

going to drag it out until much of our attention has shifted to the battlefront at South Aridlands?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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