Chapter 522 Strategic Mastermind

Benjamin declared, “Leave it to me, Caspian. I’ll arrange for a group of special force members to weed out all the enemy spies and traitors within Southlake City!

Caspian asked, “The inaction of the enemy’s advance troops will be detrimental for us if it continues dragging on. Anyone have any ideas on how we can incite the war to begin?”

The crowd looked at each other in confusion as no one could come up with an


Benjamin explained, “I believe Astronia and Vadesia are just waiting for Estrya and Filren to launch their attack before they join in the fight.”

Caspian smiled and replied, “I think so as well. I plan to eliminate their advance troops now, before Estrya launches their attack. After that, we can even divide some of the manpower from South Aridlands to assist other places in need.”

A general officer stood up to give his comments, “We can pretend to send reinforcements to West Aridlands. Our enemies might fall for it, thinking that we’re thinning our numbers. They’ll then begin the attack.

“With that, their submarines and battleships will finally be within range of our guided missiles!”

Caspian thought for a while and replied, “Our enemies wouldn’t be so stupid to fall for that if we bring out just a small portion of our forces.

“But then again, we can’t afford to move a large enough number to make it seem convincing either. Or we might not be able to defend ourselves when they do launch the attack.”

“Then are we really just going to sit around and wait for our deaths?”

Caspian explained, “Of course not. There’ll be a way out!”

“What kind of plan do you have in mind, Chief Commander?” Benjamin asked as he curiously scanned Caspian.

“We’ll move a portion of our troops away and convince our enemies to begin the attack!”

will the portion of

They’ll serve as the reinforcements that


the matter

already right at the doorstep of Southlake City!

their total military power, and the bulk of their army is

an absolute chance for

out his thoughts. “War is inherently unpredictable. It’ll be far more dangerous if we wait for Estrya to strike. Any single line of defense being broken will

war was never so simple to begin with. Hesitation would only lead to worse outcomes.

forces will eventually appear on our eastern borders. East Aridlands. may be in danger considering that their troops have

pretty bad spot, and they needed to make sure every step they took to

focus solely on South Aridlands. The other borders also need our attention. It’s pointless to secure victory on just the southern battlefield alone; we need to make sure all

nodded his head. “Caspian is

questions?” Caspian asked as



our troops into two. One will

immediately went

the phone inside the command room started ringing.


Commander, Ziko Granger, general of North Aridlands, is urgently looking for you!”

the phone. “What is it,

combined forces have

stunned as he wondered why even Estrya

bad news

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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