Chapter 550 Prepare For Evacuation

“Champion Benjamin! The enemy ships are too powerful. We might not be able to hold on!” a worried officer reported.

“We must protect South Aridlands at all costs. The Diatoranian God of War had. entrusted me with the command of the South Aridlands’ defense. If we lose here, all of Diatoran will be at stake,” Benjamin stated.

‘Champion Benjamin! It seems the enemy came prepared this time. Their

weapons are causing significant damage, and our current equipment can’t inflict any damage on them.

“Continuing to fight like this might lead to the destruction of our soldiers in South Aridlands!” The officer expressed his concerns.

“We must hold this position at any cost. We cannot let the Diatoranian God of War down. We’ll have no honor left if South Aridlands falls,” Benjamin declared.

Benjamin was aware of the dire situation in South Aridlands.

The current circumstances were beyond his control, and continuing this way could lead to the loss of South Aridlands. It was time to consult Caspian on the next steps.

“Contact the Diatoranian God of War immediately! I need to report our situation to him!” Benjamin ordered.

“Yes!” An officer quickly called Caspian using a satellite phone.

As the phone rang, Benjamin waited anxiously.

At this moment, Caspian was leading a large force toward West Aridlands when he unexpectedly received Benjamin’s call.

“Hello! Champion Benjamin, what’s the situation?” Caspian inquired.

“Diatoranian God of War! After you left, Astronia and Vadesia launched a fierce attack. We might not be able to hold on if this continues!” Benjamin reported.

“What’s going on? Can’t you handle the situation in South Aridlands without me?

Caspian asked. He sounded slightly displeased.

He had left the south less than a day ago, and the situation had already drastically changed.

Benjamin felt somewhat ashamed and said, “Diatoranian God of War, you are the leader of the Five War Gods. Your strategic insight far surpasses ours. The

+15 BORA

soon to relieve the

was somewhat speechless.

Balthazar and was preparing to assist West Aridlands, which was in critical

too. Casplan wished he could be in multiple places at

I must repel

had to

on your end? We’re barely

go well, the battle might end in a few hours, but it could also take


be a testament to your role” Defeating Filren

Diatoran’s savior,” Benjamin

long can you hold out?” Caspian asked sternly.

and Vadesia’s elite forces attacking and their ships’ powerful weaponry, and our countermeasures mostly intercepted, I estimate we can only

City to safer areas,”

up on Southlake

for four days and I can’t provide support in time, a direct clash would mean death for

aggressively if Southlake City falls, putting Diatoran in jeopardy!” Benjamin argued

win against them, and you can’t hold them off. We


no other solution

sighed in

ordered him to hold South Aridlands at all

would have been disastrous.

safety of the people in Southlake City. We cannot allow them

Benjamin responded without

toward the West Aridlands. border, ready to lead a massive force in a surprise attack from behind enemy lines.

official announcement instructing

immediately sparked panic

the city was on the brink of

prepared to flee for their lives.

thought he was directing the battle as they were unaware of the

believed he was in command

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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