Chapter 551 I Have a Good Idea

“No! The Diatoranian God of War is the head of the Five War Gods. He’ll never run away. He’s headed to West Aridlands,” Finn said.

“West Aridlands? Shouldn’t he be fighting enemy troops in South Aridlands? Why did he go to the west instead?” Willow asked, slightly confused.

“Quinton Hans suddenly betrayed our country, and our King was held hostage. After hearing the news, the Diatoranian God of War rushed to West Aridlands immediately to rescue the King,” Finn answered.

“I didn’t expect Caspian to have killed Quinton!” Zoey said in shock.

“News about the King is everywhere today. They all said the King has been rescued, but I didn’t expect Caspian to be the one behind it!” Willow was somewhat astonished, too.

Both Willow and Zoey had read news about the suppression of Quinton’s revolts. They had no idea who had saved the King, though, as the news articles were

simple and to the point, merely telling them that the revolts were suppressed and that the King was safe and sound.

The fewer words there were about something, the more serious it was-those wise words were absolutely correct!

“Yes. The Diatoranian God of War led the armored battalion against Quinton, whom they killed before rescuing the King.” Finn nodded.

Hearing Finn confirm it, both Willow and Zoey were astonished. Caspian was too powerful. He suddenly became more noble and capable in their hearts. It was as if there was nothing in this world that Caspian could not do.

“The problem in West Aridlands has been dealt with, hasn’t it? How long will it take before Caspian returns to South Aridlands?” Willow asked.

“I’m sorry, but I have no idea, Mrs. Lynch. You should quickly pack up your things. We’ll escort you away from Southlake City,” Finn said, his voice laced with anxious impatience.

“Where will we go if we are to leave Southlake City?” Willow asked.

“Garthram. We’ve already made preparations in advance. You’ll be safer there,” Finn said.



only listen to orders obediently at this point. She would be causing Caspian

her some underclothes, as well as the

place. They suddenly had to leave after living in the villa for

was reluctant to leave, too. Both she and Willow were already used to

Yanez, let’s

enemy troops attack this place? When that time comes, won’t our villa be snatched away?” Willow asked in worry.

sure. If the Diatoranian God of War rushes back, he’ll surely be able to turn the

at South Aridlands? Why did the situation

of War left South Aridlands yesterday. After the enemy troops heard about that, they started

they attack right after Caspian

he fights in. His reputation intimidates everyone under the skies.

greatly. As long as he’s present on the battlefield,

Surprisingly, Caspian was more powerful than

God of War has fought in countless wars and has won every one of them. Let’s

place for now,” Willow


come back someday,” Zoey

two women got in the car and left Southlake City under the protection of the armored battalion. Some members of the battalion were also driving the two luxury cars parked outside the

civilians in Southlake City were

prominent businessmen and politicians in the city were also preparing to evacuate. A good half of their properties and

first thing everyone had to consider was how to stay

Stewarts were also preparing

He’s the chief commander, too, yet

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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