Chapter 557 Bet on It

Never in his life did he expect to be directly fighting Caspian Lynch, the Diatoranian God of War who had never lost a single battle.

He had entertained the possibility of Caspian coming to the aid of the troops in West Aridlands, but the location Caspian had shown up in was extremely surprising.

He was one of the most prominent War Gods in their generation, yet he had led troops to charge toward the enemy troops from behind, which sounded like a risky move.

“Send an emergency telegram to the command center immediately. We need reinforcements. Let’s surround Caspian instead!” the enemy general urged. “Yes, sir! I’ll contact the command center immediately!” The enemy officer proceeded to do so.

The Filrenian higher-ups were floored when they heard that Caspian had invaded the enemy troops with his men. This was an excellent chance for Filren, though.

This was the best time to kill Caspian.

It was extremely dangerous for the chief commander of an army to infiltrate enemy troops from behind in a war of such a large scale.

Despite being the chief commander of Diatoran, Caspian still had the guts to launch a sneak attack at the Filrenian troops from behind. Now, after the arrival of reinforcements sent by the Filrenian higher-ups, Caspian’s troops would be


West Aridlands was a desert with no terrain they could use. Caspian had basically exposed himself fully.

The Filrenian higher-ups immediately sent reinforcements to West Aridlands in the form of 250 thousand soldiers.

Caspian’s defeat would be a huge blow to the Diatoranian army.

The death of a general would significantly impact his country. Caspian was the Diatoranian God of War. Diatoran might fully lose the ability to retaliate if he was defeated!

Caspian was the head of the Five War Gods of Diatoran. He was a legend in the hearts of all Diatoranian soldiers-he had not lost a single battle ever since becoming the Diatoranian God of War.


If they could capture Caspian alive, Diatoran might give up on fighting back, and it would be significantly easier for them to conquer Diatoran.

course the Filrenian higher-ups were going to take full advantage of

ordered the general stationed at the west border of Diatoran to stand

Latham, the chief commander of Filren, was extremely excited to learn that Filren had sent 250 thousand soldiers as reinforcements. He now had hope that his troops could defend themselves against the Diatoranian troops.

and will arrive soon. If we can stand our ground here, we’ll be able

Cassius called out passionately

defeating Caspian excited Cassius.

unbeatable God of War. If the Filrenian troops could defeat him, Cassius would become much more respected and


up as well. They started launching an aggressive

had led several attacks against the enemy, but

in a dangerous position now. If Filren deploys the Dilram Troops, we’ll end up being

done as soon as possible. We must defeat the enemy troops before their reinforcements come!”


able to achieve victory within

anxious, too. They had no choice but to race against the clock.

charge of the intelligence department ran over, saying, I’m here to report to Lord Caspian. We’ve managed to get our hands on the content of an encrypted


“Tell us

out 250 thousand soldiers as reinforcements. They’re heading over here now. They want

it take for them to arrive here?”

on the distance between them and here, I calculated that they’d arrive in four hours. Maybe even less than that,” the officer


hours. After that, his troops could assemble alongside the troops

be in dire straits if they

I want to speak to

The intelligence

When he heard that Caspian wanted to speak to


in the front lines, Lord Caspian?”

powerfully at the border, Your Majesty. The latest intelligence said that Filren had deployed 250 soldiers to West Aridlands

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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