Chapter 558 Time Waits for No Man

“I must end the battle within four hours. Otherwise, the troops at West Aridlands will be at a disadvantage. The troops guarding West Fortress Gorge are nearest to the border of West Aridlands.

“As long as they arrive within one to two hours, we can surround the Filrenian troops from three sides. It’ll be too late for them even if their reinforcements show up by that time,” Caspian said.

“If you’ve decided, Lord Caspian, I’ll make that wager along with you. I’ll have the troops at the gorge head over there,” Balthazar said.

“Your Majesty, if you’re still worried, you can deploy troops from the other gorges to West Fortress Gorge.” Caspian thought of another solution.

“Great. With that, I’m not as worried

Balthazar said.

“Time waits for no man, though. The troops at West Fortress must be deployed over here as soon as possible,” Caspian urged.

“Understood. I’ll issue an order right away,” Balthazar said.

“I’ll wait for good news from your side, Your Majesty. Diatoran’s reputation will be boosted further if we win this war. After that, the soldiers will surely succeed in repelling all enemy troops,” Caspian said passionately.

“Great! You’ve never lost a single battle, Lord Caspian. I believe in you!” Balthazar replied.

“I’ll surely live up to my mission,” Caspian answered.

“I have another question. You’ll only have two hours to surround the enemy


os once the troops from West Fortress arrive. Isn’t that too short a period of time?” Balthazar was still somewhat worried.

This battle was very important. It would impact the overall situation significantly.

within the shortest amount of time, I hope that the air force stationed at the West Aridlands


at the enemy troops, I’ll order

West Aridlands as soon as possible, we

battlefield is dire, Your Majesty, so I’ll bid you goodbye here,” Caspian


the call. He immediately contacted Toby Hoffman, the general stationed at West

all the soldiers stationed at the gorge and headed toward West Aridlands

only consisted of 70 thousand soldiers, but they would surely cause huge trouble for the enemy when they charged from the flank.

spirits before launching a general offensive. With that,

would come to his aid, so he

here on standby,”

an attack. They retreated by a

a call to Dax.

footage, so he asked,

enemy is making good use of the terrain, so it’s hard to break their defense

any good strategies in mind,

talked to the King. He’ll send over troops from West Fortress Gorge to aid us. They’ll arrive at the flank of the enemy troops, and we’ll launch at general offensive when that time comes!” Caspian replied.

to your command, Lord Caspian!”

to retreat by a few miles. Give them a two- hour break as you


We must repel the enemy troops at the border!” Dax knew

danger if they couldn’t wipe out the enemy troops at the border of

of West Aridlands or even Diatoran! You must be ready,”

few hours will determine if we can hold onto West Aridlands. I’ll definitely fight until the end!” Dax promised.

few miles. The other soldiers took a break on the battlefield, save for

fighting for the better half of a day, the soldiers were exhausted both physically and

soldiers were also transported to the nearest

confused when they noticed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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